Volume 36 Issue 3
Jun.  2022
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GUO Xiangmei, LI Pei, CAO Chunxiang. Study on purchase behavior of mobile virtual fitting system[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science, 2022, 36(3): 324-331. doi: 10.12299/jsues.21-0212
Citation: GUO Xiangmei, LI Pei, CAO Chunxiang. Study on purchase behavior of mobile virtual fitting system[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science, 2022, 36(3): 324-331. doi: 10.12299/jsues.21-0212

Study on purchase behavior of mobile virtual fitting system

doi: 10.12299/jsues.21-0212
  • Received Date: 2021-10-06
  • Publish Date: 2022-06-30
  • The emergence of virtual fitting system provides consumers with a new shopping experience. To study the relationship between mobile virtual fitting system and purchase behavior, the relationship between sensory experience, perceived service quality, perceived technology and purchase behavior were tested, and a theoretical model with attitude loyalty as mediate variable was constructed. Factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and process intermediary test were adopted to analyze statistically, and hypothesis were also tested. The results show that sensory experience, perceived service quality and perceived technology have significantly positive effects on purchase behavior. Attitude loyalty plays a mediating role in the relationship between sensory experience, perceived service quality and perceived technology affecting purchase behavior. The research results can provide theoretical reference and practical basis for sensory experience, service quality and technological innovation on mobile virtual fitting system.

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