An empirical research on regional development of higher vocational education based on factor analysis
摘要: 着眼高等职业教育“扩容提质”的分类实施,运用因子分析法,采用省级截面数据,从办学规模、办学质量和经费投入3个维度对我国高等职业教育区域发展状况进行实证研究. 从全国层面看,江苏、广东和山东总体领先;从地区发展状况看,东中部总体优于西部. 然细分显示,西部要侧重夯实高职教育办学基本要素建设,东中部则要进一步强化办学绩效. 结合不同区域产业特点和我国的制度优势,从政策与策源、产教融合、区域统筹3个层面提出相应对策建议.Abstract: Focusing on “expansion and quality improvement” of higher vocational education, factor analysis method and provincial cross-section data were used to conduct empirical research on the regional development of China’s higher vocational education from three dimensions of school scale, school quality and funding input. At the national level, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Shandong are the leading provinces. At the regional level, the east and central are generally superior to the west. However, subdivision results show that the western needs to consolidate basic elements, as while as the eastern and central should further improve education performance. Based on the industrial characteristics of different regions and the institutional advantages of China, some suggestions were put forward from three aspects of government policy and financing, integration of industry and education and regional coordination.
Key words:
- factor analysis /
- higher vocational education /
- regional development /
- empirical research
表 1 评价高等职业教育发展状况的指标
Table 1. Indicators for evaluating development of higher vocational education
维度 指标 办学规模 高职院校数$ {X}_{1} $/所 招生数$ {X}_{2} $/人 在校生数$ {X}_{3} $/人 办学质量 “双高计划”建设院校数$ {X}_{4} $/所 国家示范性(骨干)高职院校数$ {X}_{5} $/所 全国职业教育技能大赛获奖数$ {X}_{6} $/个 经费投入 高职院校国家财政性教育经费投入$ {X}_{7} $/千元 生均教育经费支出$ {X}_{8} $/元 国内生产总值$ {X}_{9} $/亿元 人均国内生产总值$ {X}_{10} $/元 表 2 因子旋转矩阵
Table 2. Factor rotation matrix
指标 ${{ {F} } }_{1}$ ${{ {F} } }_{2}$ $ {X}_{1} $ 0.918 − 0.299 $ {X}_{2} $ 0.916 − 0.297 $ {X}_{3} $ 0.944 − 0.258 $ {X}_{4} $ 0.903 0.151 $ {X}_{5} $ 0.925 0.164 $ {X}_{6} $ 0.846 0.028 $ {X}_{7} $ 0.957 − 0.079 $ {X}_{8} $ − 0.369 0.779 $ {X}_{9} $ 0.946 0.188 $ {X}_{10} $ 0.323 0.879 -
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