Research on location of fire station in chemical industry park based on risk assessment
摘要: 化工园区的消防站选址规划不可避免地受潜在风险影响,为优化消防站布局,提高风险评估对消防站选址方案影响的比重,以化工园区各企业潜在事故风险的差异性为切入点建立一套风险评估指标体系,通过灰色关联度分析法以及模糊综合评价法对企业进行风险评估. 以此为基础使用有效距离的概念将实际距离与风险评估值相结合运用到选址优化中,使用集合覆盖法对园区内消防站点的数量和位置进行针对性地规划设计,解决传统消防站选址存在的覆盖率低、消防站辖区重复、响应时间长等问题. 以南京化工园区为背景对各企业进行风险评估和消防站选址,最终划分出3个危险等级并规划出最优消防站地址.Abstract: The location planning of fire station in chemical industry park is inevitably affected by potential risks. In order to optimize the layout of fire stations and increase the proportion of the impact of risk assessment on fire station location scheme, a set of risk assessment index system was established based on the difference of potential accident risks of various enterprises in the chemical industry park. The risk assessment of enterprises was carried out by grey relational analysis and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. On this basis, the concept of effective distance was introduced, and the actual distance and risk assessment value were combined and applied to the site selection optimization. The number and location of fire stations in the park were planned and designed by building set coverage method, which solves the problems of low coverage rate, repeated fire station area and long response time in traditional fire station location. The risk assessment of each enterprise and the location of fire station were carried out in the background of Nanjing Chemical Industry Park, and three risk levels were divided and the optimal fire station address was selected finally.
表 1 关联度计算结果
Table 1. Calculation results of correlation degree
影响因素 关联度 影响因素 关联度 ${X_{11}}$ 0.8748 ${X_{23}}$ 0.8140 ${X_{12}}$ 0.8709 ${X_{31}}$ 0.9223 ${X_{21}}$ 0.7257 ${X_{32}}$ 0.6462 ${X_{22}}$ 0.8709 ${X_{33}}$ 0.752 0 表 2 子因素关联度排序与权重
Table 2. Ranking and weight of correlation degree of sub factors
排序${A_1}$(0.36) ${A_2}$(0.33) ${A_3}$(0.31) 1 ${X_{11} }$(0.5) ${X_{23} }$(0.36) ${X_{31} }$(0.40) 2 ${X_{12} }$(0.5) ${X_{22} }$(0.34) ${X_{33} }$(0.32) 3 ${X_{21} }$(0.30) ${X_{32} }$(0.28) 表 3 源港化工单因素评价表
Table 3. Single factor evaluation table of YuanGang chemical industry
因素 1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 危险源数量 0.42 0.12 0.23 0.15 0.08 危险源危险等级 0.33 0.21 0.15 0.15 0.16 设备保养与维护 0.18 0.14 0.18 0.14 0.36 工人操作水平 0.23 0.21 0.18 0.21 0.17 巡视监督情况 0.18 0.30 0.21 0.12 0.19 事故应急预案 0.10 0.28 0.32 0.25 0.05 事故响应能力 0.16 0.27 0.35 0.14 0.08 消防设施建设 0.32 0.31 0.15 0.15 0.07 表 4 17家企业风险系数评估结果
Table 4. Risk coefficient evaluation results of 17 enterprises
潜在风险系数 源港化工 凯米拉化学品
化学有限公司Ki 2.711 2.812 2.718 2.823 2.628 2.695 潜在风险系数 塞拉尼斯 欧季亚新材料
有限公司Ki 2.985 2.725 2.689 2.834 2.822 2.935 潜在风险系数 南京金浦锦湖
活性剂有限公司Ki 2.869 2.658 2.741 2.703 2.844 表 5 各企业到4个预设站点的地图距离
Table 5. Map distances from each enterprise to four preset stations
km 企业 ${B_1}$ ${B_2}$ ${B_3}$ ${B_4}$ 源港化工 1.03 2.73 3.43 2.76 蓝星安迪苏有限公司 0.57 2.71 2.97 1.96 塞拉尼斯 2.47 0.47 1.04 2.07 $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ 瓦克聚合物系列公司 2.95 3.07 1.82 1.25 表 6 各企业到4个预设站点的有效距离
Table 6. Effective distance from each enterprise to four preset stations
km 企业 ${B_1}$ ${B_2}$ ${B_3}$ ${B_4}$ 源港化工 0.3710 0.9834 1.2356 0.9942 蓝星安迪苏 0.2053 0.9762 1.0699 0.7061 塞拉尼斯 0.8898 0.1693 0.3746 0.7457 $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ 瓦克聚合物 1.0627 1.1059 0.6556 0.4503 -
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