Effect of quenching and partitioning process on texture and properties of high strength Q&P steel
摘要: 对试验用淬火配分(Quenching and Partitioning,Q&P)钢在一步淬火配分工艺中不同淬火温度(220 、260 、300 ℃)和淬火时间(60 、120 、180 s)下组织、织构、力学性能及拉伸断口特征进行研究. 结果表明:试验用Q&P钢在一步淬火配分中获得的最大残余奥氏体体积分数为7.12%;随着淬火温度升高,板条马氏体的宽度增大;随着淬火温度和配分时间升高,织构的最大强度逐渐降低,抗拉强度逐渐减少;屈服强度和延伸率呈相反的变化趋势.Abstract: The microstructure, texture, mechanical properties and tensile fracture characteristics of quenching and partitioning (Q&P) steel were studied at different quenching temperatures (220, 260, 300 ℃) and quenching times (60 , 120 , 180 s) in one-step Q&P process. The results show that the maximum volume fraction of residual austenite(RA)obtained in one-step Q&P was 7.12%. With the increase of quenching temperature, the width of lath martensite increased. With the increase of quenching temperature and partition time, the maximum strength of the texture decreased, so did the tensile strength, while the yield strength and elongation showed opposite trends.
表 1 试验用Q&P钢的主要成分
Table 1. Main chemical composition of test Q&P steel
元素 C Si Mn Al Fe 质量分数/% 0.23 1.55 1.92 0.04 余量 表 2 试样中残余奥氏体体积含量及其含碳量
Table 2. Volume content and carbon content of retained austenite in samples
试样 RA/% RA中C含量/% 300 ℃/s + 120 s 6.82 1.20 260 ℃/s + 120 s 7.12 1.26 220 ℃/s + 120 s 4.28 1.29 -
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