Application of randomized low-rank approximation algorithm in recommendation system
摘要: 针对推荐系统中数据量越来越大,其对应的矩阵填充问题算法效率有待提升. 基于随机算法策略以及高效数据访问要求,提出一种新的求解矩阵填充问题的算法,并借助Matlab软件实现该算法. 数值试验结果表明,该算法在效率上可提升30%左右.Abstract: In view of the problem that with increasing large amount of datas in a recommendation system, the computing efficiency of its corresponding matrix completion algorithms need to be improved. Based on randomized algorithm strategy and efficient data access requirements, a new algorithm for solving matrix completion problem was proposed, and the Matlab software was employed to realize the algorithm. The numerical experiment result shows that the new algorithm can speed up the computing efficiency of original one by about 30%.
表 1 矩阵填充问题的比较
Table 1. Comparison of matrix completion problems
数据集 方法 迭代次数 时间/s NMAE 非零奇异值的个数 最大奇异值 最小奇异值 jester-1 IALM-LANSVD 12 6.01 0.184 100 2.14E+03 1 IALM-SVDS 12 3.92 0.182 100 2.15E+03 1 IALM-SPRSVD 12 3.05 0.235 100 2.31E+03 1 jester-2 IALM-LANSVD 12 5.66 0.185 100 2.13E+03 1 IALM-SVDS 12 3.57 0.182 100 2.13E+03 1 IALM-SPRSVD 12 2.67 0.238 100 2.09E+03 1 jester-3 IALM-LANSVD 12 7.50 0.126 99 1.79E+03 1 IALM-SVDS 12 4.19 0.125 100 1.80E+03 1 IALM-SPRSVD 11 3.11 0.157 100 1.88E+03 1 -
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