Experimental research on stamping forming numerical simulation of motor cover plate based on DYNAFORM
摘要: 利用有限元分析软件DYNAFORM对一种浅拉深、大尺寸电机盖板零件进行冲压成形数值模拟试验,研究各主要工艺参数及拉延筋对拉延成形质量的影响,并分析缺陷产生的原因. 采用正交试验和综合分析法进一步优化工艺参数,以减少板料成形过程中出现的破裂、起皱和拉深不充分缺陷. 研究表明,通过合理布置拉延筋及优化工艺参数,可以有效提升拉延成形质量. 最终得到的最优工艺参数组合为:拉延筋阻力系数50%、压边力600 kN、摩擦因数0.16、冲压速度5000 mm/s、凸凹模间隙1.1t,通过模拟试验验证该工艺参数组合的准确性和有效性.
- 数值模拟 /
- 拉延筋 /
- 正交优化
Abstract: The finite element analysis software DYNAFORM was used to stamp forming numerical simulation for a shallow depth and large size motor cover plate. The impacts of main process parameters and drawbead on the drawing quality were studied and the causes of defects were analyzed. Then orthogonal experiment and comprehensive scoring method were used to optimize the process parameters in order to reduce crack, wrinkle and insufficient stretch defects appearing in the process of sheet metal forming. It was found that the drawing quality could be effectively improved through the reasonable arrangement of drawbead and the optimization of process parameters. The optimal process parameter combination was obtained as follows: drawbead resistance coefficient 50%, binder force 600 kN, friction coefficient 0.16, stamping speed 5000 mm/s, die gap 1.1t. The simulation test verified the accuracy and effectiveness of the process parameter combination.-
Key words:
- DYNAFORM software /
- numerical simulation /
- drawbead /
- orthogonal optimization
表 1 材料性能参数
Table 1. Material property parameters
参数 抗拉强度
σb /MPa屈服强度
σs /MPa断后延伸率δu /% 应变硬化指数n 厚向异性系数r 硬化系数
K数值 269 136 33.9 0.226 1.766 472 表 2 正交试验结果及分析表
Table 2. Orthogonal experiment results and analysis table
试验序号 水平 影响因素 考察目标 压边力/kN 摩擦因数 冲压速度/(mm·s−1) 凸凹模间隙 最大减薄率/% 最大增厚率/% 1 A1B1C1D1 600 0.14 5000 1.05t 29.69 1.23 2 A1B2C2D2 600 0.15 6000 1.10t 29.87 1.28 3 A1B3C3D3 600 0.16 7000 1.15t 29.82 1.19 4 A2B1C2D3 700 0.14 6000 1.15t 30.97 1.34 5 A2B2C3D1 700 0.15 7000 1.05t 31.23 1.23 6 A2B3C1D2 700 0.16 5000 1.10t 30.01 1.34 7 A3B1C3D2 800 0.14 7000 1.10t 31.94 1.19 8 A3B2C1D3 800 0.15 5000 1.15t 31.35 1.15 9 A3B3C2D1 800 0.16 6000 1.05t 31.01 1.67 表 3 综合分统计表
Table 3. Comprehensive scoring summary table
试验序号 水平 考察目标 综合评估 最大减薄率/% 最大增厚率/% 1 A1B1C1D1 29.69 1.23 21.152 2 A1B2C2D2 29.87 1.28 21.293 3 A1B3C3D3 29.82 1.19 21.231 4 A2B1C2D3 30.97 1.34 22.081 5 A2B2C3D1 31.23 1.23 22.230 6 A2B3C1D2 30.01 1.34 21.409 7 A3B1C3D2 31.94 1.19 22.715 8 A3B2C1D3 31.35 1.15 22.290 9 A3B3C2D1 31.01 1.67 22.208 表 4 综合评分法极差分析表
Table 4. Range analysis table of comprehensive scoring method
试验序号 影响因素 A B C D K1j 63.676 65.948 64.851 65.590 K2j 65.720 65.813 65.582 65.417 K3j 67.213 64.848 66.176 65.602 k1j 21.225 21.982 21.617 21.863 k2j 21.907 21.938 21.861 21.806 k3j 22.404 21.616 22.059 21.867 Rj 1.179 0.366 0.442 0.061 因素影响程度 A>C>B>D 最优水平 A1 B3 C1 D2 最优组合 A1B3C1D2 注:K1j、K2j、K3j分别为J因素1、2、3水平分数之和;k1j、k2j、k3j分别为K1j、K2j、K3j的均值;Rj为极差. -
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