Fracture analysis of ductile fracture of AA6063 aluminum alloy
摘要: 为探究6063铝合金的韧性断裂机制, 通过一系列韧性断裂试验观察6063铝合金不同应力三轴度试件的韧性断口形貌. 结果表明:应力三轴度越高,孔洞的形核、长大、汇聚越快,孔洞更大更深. 不同应力三轴度下主导试件韧性断裂的方式也有所不同:缺口圆柱拉伸试件断裂由韧窝断裂主导;凹槽板拉伸试件断裂由韧窝断裂与剪切断裂共同主导;圆柱扭转试验断裂主要由剪切断裂主导,并且试件表面存在部分韧窝断裂特征.Abstract: In order to explore the ductile fracture mechanism of AA6063 aluminum alloy, a series of ductile fracture tests were carried out, and the ductile fracture morphology of AA6063 aluminum alloy specimens under different stress triaxiality was observed. The results show that the higher the stress triaxiality, the faster the nucleation, growth, and convergence of the holes, and the larger and deeper the holes. The mode of dominant ductile fracture of specimens under different stress triaxiality is also different. The fracture of notched cylindrical tensile specimens is dominated by dimple fracture, and the fracture of grooved plate tensile specimens is co-dominant by dimple fracture and shear fracture. The cylindrical torsion test fracture is mainly dominated by shear fracture and there are some dimple fracture characteristics on the surface of the specimens.
Key words:
- 6063 aluminum alloy /
- ductile fracture /
- stress triaxiality
表 1 初始应力三轴度计算公式
Table 1. Calculation formula of initial stress triaxiality
测试/试件 初始应力三轴度 缺口圆柱拉伸(NR) $\dfrac{ {\rm{1} } }{ {\rm{3} } }{\rm{ + ln} }\left( { {\rm{1 + } }\dfrac{ { {a_0} } }{ {2{R_0} } } } \right)$ 光滑圆柱扭转 0 凹槽平板拉伸试件(PT) $\dfrac{ {\rm{1} } }{ {\sqrt 3 } }\left[ {1 + 2{\rm{ln} }\left( { {\rm{1 + } }\dfrac{ { {t_0} } }{ {4{R_0} } } } \right)} \right]$ 表 2 不同试件的初始应力三轴度
Table 2. Initial stress triaxiality of different specimens
扭转试件 NR20 NR10 NR5 PT6 PT4 0 0.451 0.556 0.738 0.611 0.739 -
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