Design and Optimization of Aerodynamics Parts on a FSAE Vehicle
摘要: 空气动力学作为赛车的关键领域,很大程度影响着赛车各方面性能. 在满足中国大学生方程式汽车大赛(Formular Student China,FSC)规则(2019赛季)的前提下,提出一种赛车空气动力学套件的改进优化方案. 使用数值累进法和控制变量法的优化方法,并通过计算流体动力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD)进行仿真,设计完成一套性能优异的空气动力学套件. 与2018赛季车辆相比,该设计使赛车的负升力和的升阻比分别提高81%和91%,极大提升了整车的动力学性能.
- 大学生方程式汽车大赛 /
- 空气动力学 /
- 计算流体动力学
Abstract: Aerodynamics, as a significant field of racing car, largely affects all aspects of racing performance.The aerodynamics properties of the new season was redesigned on the premise of meeting the rules of Formula Student China (FSC) in season 2019. By using numerical progressive methods and control variate method to optimize, and carrying computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate, a set of aerodynamics parts with outstanding performance was designed and completed. The results show that compared to the season 2018, the new design not only increases the downforce and lift-to-drag ratio of the racing car respectively by 81% and 91%, but also greatly improves its kinetic performance. -
表 1 前翼分析数据表
Table 1. Front wing analysis data table
赛车版本 负升力 / N 前轮迎风阻力 / N 2018年 120 90 2019年 210 15 表 2 翼型分析数据表
Table 2. Airfoil analysis data table
翼型 负升力(相同攻角和来流速度) / N S1223 278.8 Clark-Y 132.8 表 3 组合攻角分析数据表
Table 3. Angle of attack analysis data of multiple-element wings
序号 ∠1 / (°) ∠2 / (°) 负升力 / N 1 32 36 139.6 2 33 36 140.2 3 34 36 141.4 4 34 37 142.2 5 34 38 142.8 6 34 39 142.0 表 4 整车分析数据表
Table 4. Vehicle analysis data sheet
赛车版本 负升力 / N 阻力系数 升阻比 迎风面积 / m2 2018年 380.1 1.01 1.45 1.312 2019年 686.5 1.35 2.77 1.046 -
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