Analysis of influencing factors of the functional network of technological entrepreneurship and innovation of makerspace
摘要: 众创空间是以提供企业基础服务、资金资本、技术研发、创业信息、专业培训等科技创新创业服务为手段,以整合政府、大学、科研院所、产业园区、金融机构、中介机构等各类科技创新创业资源为支撑,从而实现科技成果转化、培育科技型初创企业、促进地区产业发展和区域经济发展的科技创新创业服务组织. 基于众创空间的创业孵化效应、技术创新效应、产业培育效应和社会经济效应等四方面功能定位和效应表现,从外部环境与创新、服务主体的内部联动研究众创空间内外部的影响因素,构建众创空间创业创新功能网络要素结构作用模型. 该模型厘清了内外影响因素,可为众创空间实践运营提供参考.Abstract: Makerspace provides enterprises with basic services, capital, technical support, business information, professional training and other services cooperating with government, university, scientific research institute, industrial park, financial institution, intermediary institution and so on. Finally, makerspace can realize the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, cultivate scientific and technological start-ups, and promote regional industrial development and regional economic development. Its functional effects are mainly manifested in entrepreneurial incubation effects, technological innovation effects, industrial cultivation and socio-economic effects. The paper will also study the internal and external influencing factors from the external environment and the internal linkage of innovation and service entities basing on the functional positioning and performance of the effects.
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