Reliability Research of Distribution Network with DG Based on Load Superiority Degree
摘要: 针对现有含分布式电源(DG)配电网在孤岛模式下运行时,负荷削减过程中对负荷赋权的随意性以及赋权途径过于单一的问题,提出一种基于层次—熵权法的主客观综合赋权算法. 首先建立负荷重要程度衡量指标体系,其次基于层次分析法对负荷中各指标主观赋权,然后利用熵权法对各指标客观赋权,最后引入Kender和谐系数得出指标综合权重. 该算法一方面充分挖掘指标的客观信息,另一方面提升赋权途径的多样性和综合化. 通过对配电网的可靠性进行算例评估,验证所提出算法的正确性,说明提出算法具有一定的理论价值和实际价值.Abstract: In order to solve the problem that load weighting is arbitrary and the way of weighting is too single in the process of load reduction when the existing distribution network with distributed generation (DG) is operating in the island mode, a new weight weighting algorithm based on hierarchical entropy method was proposed. Firstly, the index system of load importance degree was established. Secondly, each index in the load was given subjective weight based on the analytic hierarchy process. Then, the entropy weight method was used to give objective weight to each index. On the one hand, the algorithm fully mines the objective information of the indicators, and on the other hand, it improves the diversity and synthesis of the weighting approaches.The correctness of the proposed algorithm was verified by an example evaluation of the reliability of the distribution network, which shows that the proposed algorithm has certain theoretical and practical value.
Key words:
- distribution network /
- island model /
- analytic hierarchy process /
- entropy weight /
- comprehensive weight /
- reliability
表 1 负荷点指标参数
Table 1. Parameters of load point
负荷点编号 负荷点用户数 / 个 负荷值 / MW 缺电成本 / (kW·h−1) 负荷密度 / (MW·km−2) 年最大负荷利用小时 / h 19 126 0.1808 10.50 60 2200 22 132 0.2070 75.67 120 4000 18,23 147 0.1659 57.53 200 7000 32,37 1 0.1929 42.12 50 6437 21,35 1 0.2633 53.37 65 7100 24,40 1 0.3057 35.02 50 6157 26,38 1 0.2831 83.55 40 7000 20,30,34 1 0.2501 94.45 40 3157 27,29,33,39 76 0.1585 75.85 60 4678 25,28,31,36 79 0.1554 47.35 45 2437 表 2 各区域指标客观权重
Table 2. Index weights of each region
区域 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 F5 0.3353 0.2018 0.1852 0.1364 0.1413 F6 0.1379 0.3257 0.1482 0.2033 0.1849 F7 0.3588 0.2316 0.1788 0.1317 0.0992 表 3 负荷权重及其优属度排序
Table 3. Ranking of load weight and its degree
区域 负荷点编号 主观权重 客观权重 综合权重 F6 LP29 0.4519 0.4624 0.4572 LP30 0.3808 0.3971 0.3890 LP28 0.1673 0.1405 0.1539 F5 LP35 0.4714 0.2506 0.3610 LP33 0.1585 0.3013 0.2299 LP34 0.1599 0.1446 0.1523 LP32 0.1505 0.1192 0.1349 LP31 0.0597 0.1842 0.1220 F7 LP39 0.2692 0.3083 0.2888 LP38 0.2549 0.2151 0.2350 LP40 0.2559 0.1714 0.2137 LP37 0.1576 0.1073 0.1325 LP36 0.0624 0.1980 0.1302 表 4 不同方案负荷点可靠性指标
Table 4. Reliability indexes of load with different cases
负荷点 方案1 方案2 λ r U λ r U LP18 0.73 7.68 5.61 0.73 7.67 5.60 LP25 1.71 5.15 8.80 1.71 5.15 8.81 LP28 1.70 6.17 10.50 1.70 6.19 10.52 LP29 0.44 12.41 5.45 0.44 12.41 5.42 LP31 1.35 6.61 8.93 1.35 6.61 8.93 LP33 0.68 8.96 6.05 1.35 6.61 8.93 LP35 0.68 8.93 6.07 0.68 8.95 6.06 LP39 0.66 9.92 6.50 1.93 6.01 11.60 LP40 1.93 6.01 11.60 0.66 9.92 6.50 表 5 不同方案系统可靠性指标
Table 5. Reliability index of different cases
方案 SAIFI SAIDI CAIDI ASAI 方案1 1.0249 7.0790 6.9068 0.99919 方案2 1.1485 7.5849 6.6040 0.99913 -
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