Application of glass and glass-ceramics in solid oxide fuel cell
摘要: 描述玻璃和微晶玻璃作为固体氧化物燃料电池(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell,SOFC)密封材料的使用要求. 尝试基于SOFC所用的玻璃和微晶玻璃进行分类,介绍基于不同体系的SOFC用密封玻璃(硅酸盐密封、硼硅酸密封、铝硅酸盐密封和硼铝硅酸盐密封),并对玻璃和微晶玻璃在SOFC中的发展趋势进行展望.Abstract: The application requirements of glass and glass-ceramics as solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) sealing materials were described. An attempt was made to classify the glass and glass-ceramics used in SOFC, and the sealing glasses for SOFC based on different systems (silicate sealing, borosilicate sealing, aluminosilicate sealing and boroalumino-silicate sealing) were introduced. The development trend of glass and glass-ceramics in SOFC was prospected.
Key words:
- solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) /
- glass /
- glass-ceramics /
- sealing /
- thermochemical stability
图 1 典型的平板型SOFC密封结构[8]
Figure 1. Typical sealing configurations in planar SOFC
图 2 BABS密封剂与Crofer22APU在800 ℃下保温30 h后的橫截面的SEM[30]
Figure 2. Back scattered electron micrographs of cross-section interfaces between glass-ceramic sealants and SDC electrolyte after crystallization at 800 ℃ for 30 h
图 3 不同气氛下玻璃网络结构的示意图[33]
Figure 3. Schematic network structure of glasses
图 4 在800 ℃下密封并在600 ℃下保温100 h后,BCABS玻璃与电解质界面的横截面SEM图像 [34]
Figure 4. Cross-sectional SEM images of interface between BCABS glass and electrolyte after sealing at 800 ℃ and keeping warm at 600 ℃ for 100 h
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