Objective Bayesian analysis of mixture cure model based on exponential distribution
摘要: 提出基于指数分布的混合治愈模型,通过引入隐变量,利用完全似然函数比较容易计算Fisher信息矩阵,推导出参数的Jeffreys先验和reference先验,并验证后验分布的恰当性. 研究结果表明,客观贝叶斯方法对参数的估计效果很好,特别是在样本量小时比较明显.
- 混合治愈模型 /
- 客观贝叶斯分析 /
- Jeffreys先验 /
- reference先验
Abstract: A mixture cure model based on exponential distribution was proposed. By using full likelihood function and latent variables, it was easy to calculate Fisher information matrix, drive Jeffreys prior and reference priors, and the appropriateness of posterior distribution was verified. The results show that the objective Bayesian method has a good effect on parameter estimation, especially when the sample size is small.-
Key words:
- mixture cure model /
- objective Bayesian analysis /
- Jeffreys prior /
- reference prior
表 1 客观贝叶斯估计下的估计偏差
Table 1. Bias under objective Bayesian estimation
$n$ 先验 $p = 0.3$ $\lambda = 3$ $p = 0.3$ $\lambda = 4$ $p = 0.4$ $\lambda = 4$ 20 ${\pi _J}$ −0.025 0.141 −0.024 0.154 −0.008 0.085 ${\pi _R}$ 0.016 −0.095 −0.018 0.137 0.006 0.065 50 ${\pi _J}$ −0.018 0.134 −0.022 0.144 −0.005 0.078 ${\pi _R}$ 0.015 0.087 −0.016 0.135 0.004 0.064 表 2 客观贝叶斯估计下均方误差
Table 2. RMSE under objective Bayesian estimation
$n$ 先验 $p = 0.3$ $\lambda = 3$ $p = 0.3$ $\lambda = 4$ $p = 0.4$ $\lambda = 4$ 20 $ {\pi _J} $ 0.031 0.059 0.019 0.075 0.022 0.051 $ {\pi _R} $ 0.028 0.044 0.016 0.072 0.015 0.032 50 $ {\pi _J} $ 0.027 0.056 0.018 0.071 0.022 0.048 $ {\pi _R} $ 0.024 0.047 0.015 0.068 0.014 0.030 表 3 客观贝叶斯估计的95%覆盖率
Table 3. 95% coverage probabilities under objective Bayesian estimation
$n$ 先验 $p = 0.3$ $\lambda = 3$ $p = 0.3$ $\lambda = 4$ $p = 0.4$ $\lambda = 4$ 20 $ {\pi _J} $ 0.945 0.957 0.956 0.954 0.961 0.958 $ {\pi _R} $ 0.947 0.955 0.954 0.953 0.955 0.946 50 $ {\pi _J} $ 0.946 0.956 0.955 0.953 0.958 0.957 $ {\pi _R} $ 0.947 0.954 0.952 0.952 0.953 0.947 -
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