Spreading pattern of government social media in public health emergencies
摘要: 利用突发公共卫生事件期间政务社交媒体的传播数据,从传播拓扑结构模式与用户传播行为时间模式两个角度建立指标,分析政务社交媒体的传播模式. 研究结果表明,突发公共卫生事件期间,广播模式主导政务社交媒体的传播,但传播效果与传播网络拓扑结构无显著关联;政务社交媒体内容情感会影响传播网络拓扑结构,但其引发的受众情感对传播网络拓扑结构无影响;政务社交媒体转发数变化过程大致符合幂律分布;情感因素对政务社交媒体受众传播行为产生的影响效果不显著.
- 政务社交媒体 /
- 突发公共卫生事件 /
- 病毒模式 /
- 广播模式 /
- 用户传播行为时间模式
Abstract: Based on the real spreading data of government social media during public health emergency, the spreading pattern of government social media were analyzed from propagation topology model and user behavior temporal pattern. The results show that during public health emergency, broadcast model dominates the spreading of government social media, but there is no significant correlation between the propagation effect and the diffusion network topology; the content emotion of government social media can affect the spreading network topology structure, while the audience emotion caused by it has no effect on the topology model; the change of repost amount in social media roughly conforms to the power-law distribution; the effect on the user repost behavior caused by emotion factors in government social media is not significant. -
表 1 传播拓扑结构模式表
Table 1. Topological pattern table of diffusion
平均值 中位数 标准差 ${C_{\rm{s}}}$ 79.91% 86.00% 21.11% ${C_{\rm{d}}}$ 2.96 2 1.66 ${D_{\rm{r} } }$ 2.42 2.26 0.52 ${D_{\rm{N}}}$ $ 9.37 \times {10^{ - 6}}$ $ 2.69 \times {10^{ - 6}}$ $ 1.54 \times {10^{ - 5}}$ -
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