Customer interruption cost estimation model based on bidirectional search algorithm
摘要: 准确且快速地估算用户停电损失对配电网优化、规划具有重要作用. 提出一种基于双向搜索算法的用户停电损失估算模型,通过编程形式将双向搜索算法与用户停电损失估算模型相结合,首先把断路器的故障率考虑到双向搜索算法中,从而更加接近真实情况;然后计算每个负荷点的平均故障率和平均故障持续时间,将平均故障率和平均故障持续时间代入用户停电损失模型中,求得每个负荷点的用户停电损失;最后把所有负荷点的用户停电损失相加得到总用户停电损失. 以IEEE-RBTS BUS 6中的馈线F4为例验证了模型的有效性.Abstract: Accurate and fast estimation of customer interruption cost plays an important role in distribution network optimization and planning. A customer interruption cost estimation model based on bidirectional search algorithm was proposed, the bidirectional search algorithm was combined with the customer interruption cost estimation model through programming. Firstly, the fault rate of the circuit breaker was taken into account in the bidirectional search algorithm, so as to be closer to the real situation; then the average failure rate and average duration of failure of each load point were calculated, the average failure rate and average duration of failure were substituted into the customer interruption cost model, the customer outage loss of each load point was obtained ; finally, the total customer interruption cost was obtained by adding the customer outage losses at all load points. Taking feeder F4 in IEEE-RBTS BUS 6 as an example, the effectiveness of the model was verified.
Key words:
- distribution network /
- customer interruption cost /
- search algorithm /
- reliability
表 1 各用户类型的停电损失
Table 1. Interruption cost of each customer type
停电持续时间/ h 平均停电损失函数值/(元·kW−1) 商业负荷 住宅负荷 工业负荷 大用户负荷 农业负荷 1/60 1.3724 0.0000 3.4311 8.8227 0.0000 1/3 10.0481 0.2941 14.1163 10.8813 0.3333 1 28.8208 1.5195 25.4388 15.6358 1.6665 4 105.4313 15.4887 67.9838 33.7713 13.8222 8 309.0886 34.1144 135.2814 51.3187 38.6238 表 2 线路参数
Table 2. Line parameters
馈线类型 长度/km 馈线编号 1 0.6000 L1~L8,L10,L13~L17,L19,L22 2 0.7500 L7,L20,L21,L23 3 0.8000 L9,L11,L12,L18 4 0.9000 M4,M8 5 1.6000 M3,M5,M7,M10,M17,M23 6 2.5000 M2,M6,M12,M20,M22 7 2.8000 M1,M11,M15,M18,M21,M25 8 3.2000 M9,M13,M14,M19,M24 9 3.5000 M16 表 3 元件参数
Table 3. Component parameters
元件 故障率/(次·年−1) 修复时间/(h·次−1) 断路器 0.0008 1.0000 分支线路/km 0.0110 2.0000 配电馈线段/km 0.0650 5.0000 隔离开关(理想情况下) 0.0000 0.0000 变压器 0.0150 18.0000 故障隔离时间 — 3.0000 转供操作时间 — 1.0000 熔断器(理想情况下) 0.0000 0.0000 表 4 馈线4的负荷数据
Table 4. Load data of feeder 4
负荷点编号 用户类型 平均负荷/ kW LP-1、6 住宅类 165.9000 LP-2 住宅类 180.8000 LP-3、18、11 农业类 250.1000 LP-4、12 农业类 263.3000 LP-5 住宅类 207.0000 LP-7、23 农业类 305.7000 LP-8、13、16、19 住宅类 155.4000 LP-9、20 农业类 192.9000 LP-10 住宅类 158.5000 LP-14、21 农业类 283.1000 LP-15、17、22 住宅类 158.5000 表 5 用户停电损失
Table 5. User power loss
负荷点 加备用电源前 加备用电源后 $ \lambda $/(次·年−1) $ r $/(h·次−1) 停电损失/元 $ \lambda $/(次·年−1) $ r $/(h·次−1) 停电损失/元 2 1.6799 4.2434 5048.57 1.6799 4.2434 5048.57 10 1.8229 5.0944 5947.51 1.8229 5.0944 5947.54 15 1.6799 5.1024 5490.89 1.6799 3.9880 4109.22 17 2.2340 5.0756 7257.83 2.2340 3.5917 4811.19 22 2.5192 5.0676 8169.51 2.5192 3.7517 5722.89 总停电损失/元 — — 182460.75 — — 147109.29 -
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