Registration method for grid point cloud based on improved FPFH
摘要: 针对栅极件点云的匹配问题,提出一种改进的快速点特征直方图(Fast Point Feature Histogram,FPFH)描述子. 在FPFH基础上增加邻域密度作为点特征的描述,并在使用k维树(k-dimensional tree,k-d tree)算法搜索对应点时将巴氏距离作为指标. 仿真过程中,将该方法与传统FPFH的匹配效果进行比较. 搭建试验装置采集栅极件表面点云数据,并利用改进的FPFH算法和经典的迭代最近点算法(Iterative Closest Point,ICP)进行匹配. 试验结果表明,匹配后的点云尺寸精度在1 μm级别,栅孔误差范围在 ±(20~40) μm内,理论上满足了栅极件测量精度要求.Abstract: An improved fast point feature histogram (FPFH) was proposed for the initial registration of grid point cloud. The neighborhood density was added as a point feature description on the basis of FPFH. When searching the corresponding points with k-dimensional tree (k-d tree), the Bhattacharyya distance was used as the index. This improved method was compared with FPFH in the simulation. Then, the test device was built to collect the grid’s surface point cloud data. The data were registered with improved FPFH method and iterative closest point (ICP). Test results show that the precision level of the matched point cloud is 1 μm and the error range of grid hole stays in ±(20~40) μm, which theoretically satisfy the precision requirement of the grid.
表 1 匹配误差
Table 1. Error of registration
栅极件 特征值 FPFH 改进FPFH Bunny et/mm 20.86 5.24 er/(°) X 86.50 0.82 Y 86.75 0.80 Z 1.67 0.34 Dragon et/mm 24.56 8.32 er /(°) X 39.63 0.61 Y 9.74 1.05 Z 2.66 0.41 Hippo et/mm 13.04 2.42 er /(°) X 43.07 0.22 Y 0.74 0.16 Z 1.06 0.15 Chair et /mm 27.05 3.90 er /(°) X 0.18 0.27 Y 0.83 0.23 Z 0.16 0.14 表 2 尺寸误差比较
Table 2. Dimensional error comparison
测量对象 理论值/mm 测量值/mm 误差/% 屏栅直径 80 79.985 −0.019 栅孔A直径 2 2.037 1.850 栅孔B直径 2 2.030 1.500 栅孔C直径 2 2.017 0.850 栅孔D直径 2 2.012 0.600 -
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