Research on generation control system of differential natural gas pressure
为解决天然气管道沿线调压站站内设备供电难的问题,设计一款适用于10~40 kPa天然气低压差发电的小功率发电控制系统. 控制系统选用国产芯片作为主控芯片,前端选用永磁同步发电机(PMSG)作为能量回收装置. 在设计的控制系统硬件电路中,采用最大功率点作为控制输出,通过采用本安电路达到防爆要求;以钛酸锂电池作为能量存储及仪器设备的能源. 在程序设计上实现对管路电磁阀的控制,以解决在蓄电池充满电和过高压差情况下输入过载的问题,并采用多种保护策略以防止整流后过高的电压破坏元器件. 通过试验台的搭建对控制系统性能进行测试,功能上基本达到预期要求.
Abstract:To solve the problem of difficult power supply for the equipment in the pressure regulating station along the natural gas pipeline, a small power generation control system suitable for 10~40 kPa natural gas low-pressure differential power generation was designed. The domestic chip was selected as the main control chip of control system, and the permanent magnet synchronous generator PMSG was selected as the energy recovery device of front end. In the designed hardware circuit of the control system, the maximum power point was used as the control output, and it met the explosion-proof requirements by using the intrinsically safe circuit. Lithium titanate battery was used as energy storage and instrument equipment. In the program design, the control of pipeline solenoid valve was realized to solve the problem of input overload under the condition of fully charged battery and excessive high voltage difference, and a variety of protection strategies were used to prevent the high voltage after rectification from damaging the components. The performance of the control system was tested through the construction of the test-bed, and the function basically can meet the expected requirements.
表 1 充电控制器试验测量结果
Table 1. Test and measurement results of charging controller
%24.757 0.1167 3.420 2.931 85.7 30.392 0.1208 7.200 6.206 86.2 35.035 0.1305 10.894 9.412 86.4 40.011 0.1410 11.729 10.146 86.5 45.086 0.1464 13.565 11.707 86.3 49.909 0.1497 15.020 12.947 86.2 -
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