Overview of blockchain applications in automotive industry
因具有去中心化、开放性、自治性、信息不可篡改性和匿名性,区块链技术具有广阔的应用前景. 梳理区块链在汽车行业中的应用,主要在汽车制造、汽车共享、汽车保险、新能源汽车等4个方面的应用现状和典型框架模型,分析区块链在汽车行业应用中存在的挑战和未来的研究方向. 结果表明,其应用在安全数据存储和数据管控、智能合约和DAPP开发技术、网络优化、多方利益分配、国家政策规章等方面仍有待进一步突破.
Abstract:Due to its decentralization, openness, autonomy, information tampering and anonymity, blockchain technology has broad application prospects. Focusing on the application of blockchain in the automotive industry, the application status of blockchain technology and typical framework model were summarized in four aspects: automobile manufacturing, car sharing, automobile insurance, and new energy vehicles. The challenges and future research directions of blockchain application in the automotive industry were analyzed. The result shows that its applications in secure data storage and data control, smart contract and DAPP development technology, network optimization, benefit distribution, policies and regulations still need further breakthroughs .
Key words:
- blockchain /
- automobile /
- application
表 1 区块链分类
Table 1. Blockchain classification
关键技术 公有链 联盟链 私有链 开放度 完全开放 特定节点开放 向个人/实体开放 读取权限 所有人 联盟内部 个人/实体 写入权限 所有人 联盟内部 个人/实体 共识难度 困难 容易 容易 交易速度 低 高 极高 去中心化程度 完全去中心化 部分去中心化 部分去中心化 -
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