Application of zero-and-one-inflated negative binomial regression model in COVID−19 epidemic analysis
在公共卫生等应用领域,经常会同时出现零观测值、一观测值较多的情况. 为更好地拟合这类数据,采用0−1膨胀负二项分布及其回归模型进行分析. 在数据扩充基础上,结合Pólya−Gamma潜变量对模型参数进行贝叶斯推断. 最后,对我国湖北省2019冠状病毒病(COVID−19)死亡数据集进行分析. 研究表明,0−1膨胀负二项回归模型能够达到更好的拟合效果.
- 0−1膨胀负二项回归模型 /
- 2019冠状病毒病 /
- Pólya−Gamma潜变量 /
- 贝叶斯推断
Abstract:Count datas with excess zeros and ones arise frequently in the field of public health. In order to fit the kind of data, a zero-and-one-inflated negative binomial (ZOINB) distribution and its regression model were adopted for analysis. Based on data augmentation strategy and Pólya−Gamma latent variables Bayesian inference was used to estimate the parameters of ZOINB regression model. Finally, one corona virus disease 2019 (COVID−19) death data-set from Hubei Province in China was analyzed. The result illustrates that ZOINB regression model can achieve better fitting effect.
表 1 ZOINB回归模型的参数估计
Table 1. Parameter estimation of ZOINB regression model
样本容量 统计量 ${p_1}$ ${\tilde \beta _0}$ ${\beta _1}$ ${\gamma _0}$ ${\gamma _1}$ 50 均值 0.2887 0.8886 1.4325 0.9789 1.9404 中位数 0.2901 0.8881 1.4613 0.9613 1.9567 均方误差 0.0035 0.0031 0.0419 0.0424 0.0504 覆盖率 0.9602 0.9532 0.9421 0.9332 0.9531 100 均值 0.2927 0.8913 1.4915 0.9915 1.9731 中位数 0.2965 0.8948 1.4911 0.9811 1.9273 均方误差 0.0023 0.0013 0.0234 0.0213 0.0193 覆盖率 0.9541 0.9482 0.9492 0.9503 0.9504 表 2 ZOINB回归模型中参数估计均值的比较
Table 2. Comparison of parameter estimation mean in ZOINB regression model
参数 $r = 2$ $r = 3$ $r = 4$ $r = 5$ ${\tilde \beta _0}$ 0.6166 0.6153 0.6144 0.6138 ${\beta _1}$ −0.4722 −0.4536 −0.4434 −0.4766 ${\beta _2}$ 0.3465 0.3458 0.3501 0.3511 ${\beta _3}$ 0.2301 0.2315 0.2334 0.2337 ${\beta _4}$ −1.2605 −1.2825 −1.3332 −1.3536 ${\gamma _0}$ 0.0652 0.0744 0.0758 0.0697 ${\gamma _1}$ 0.1457 0.4187 0.5028 0.5584 ${\gamma _2}$ 0.3487 0.3663 0.3828 0.4087 AIC 1536.314 1537.843 1526.173 1548.801 表 3 ZOINB回归模型中的观测频数与拟合频数
Table 3. Comparison of observation frequency and fitted frequency in ZOINB regression model
观测值 观测频数 拟合频数 $r = 2$ $r = 3$ $r = 4$ $r = 5$ 0 22 20 21 22 24 1 5 4 5 5 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 0 4 1 0 0 0 2 -
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