PMSM vector control based on fractional-order PI of sparrow search optimization algorithm
摘要: 永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,PMSM)矢量控制系统转速环采用PI控制器难以满足系统动态响应速度快、鲁棒性强等要求,采用分数阶比例积分(Fractional Order Proportional Integral,FOPI)控制器,并利用麻雀搜索算法(Sparrow Search Algorithm,SSA)优化FOPI控制器参数. 通过搜索最优适应度的麻雀所在位置,得到控制器最优组合参数,选择时间乘以误差绝对值积分作为其目标适应度函数. 对SSA整定FOPI、粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)整定PI参数的电机调速性能进行试验对比. 结果表明,SSA优化的FOPI具有增强鲁棒性和减小超调量的优势.Abstract: The speed loop of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) vector control system adopts PI controller, which is difficult to meet the requirements of fast dynamic response and strong robustness of the system. A fractional order proportional integral (FOPI) controller was proposed, and the parameters of the FOPI controller were optimized using sparrow search algorithm (SSA). By searching for the sparrow's position with the best fit, the best setting parameters for the controller were obtained, and the time multiplied by the absolute value of the error integral was determined as the target fitness function. The performance of the motor speed regulation of the SSA setting FOPI and particle swarm optimization (PSO) setting PI was compared by experiments. The results show that the FOPI optimized by SSA has the advantages of enhancing robustness and reducing overshoot.
表 1 永磁同步电机参数
Table 1. Permanent magnet synchronous motor parameters
电机参数 数值 磁极对数 4 永磁体磁链ψ f /Wb 0.115 定子电阻 R / Ω 1.45 功率/kW 0.75 d轴电感 Ld /mH 1.83 q轴电感 Lq /mH 2.64 阻尼系数/(N•m•s) 0.004 -
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