Residual stress prediction based on equal thickness undeformed cutting thickness
摘要: 机械加工引起的残余应力一直是制造领域关注的重点,表面残余应力状态能反映零部件性能与使用寿命. 为更好地了解铣削加工零件表面与次表面残余应力状态,将铣削不等厚未变形切削厚度转换为等厚未变形切削厚度进行微元铣削力建模. 通过仿真建立2D等厚未变形切削厚度模型研究切削钛合金时的温度,结合微元力与温度模型对铣削后加工表面残余应力进行预测,并将残余应力预测值、仿真值与实测值进行比较. 结果表明,残余应力仿真值与实测值的变化趋势基本一致,通过等厚未变形切削厚度建立的残余应力预测模型能够反映表面应力状态.Abstract: Residual stress caused by machining has always been the focus of manufacturing field. The surface residual stress state can reflect component performance and service life. In order to better understand surface and subsurface residual stress state of milled parts, the milled undeformed cutting thickness of unequal thickness was converted into the undeformed cutting thickness of equal thickness for micro milling force modeling. A 2D equal thickness undeformed cutting thickness model established by simulation was used to study the temperature when cutting titanium alloy, the surface residual stress after milling was predicted by combining the microelement force and temperature model, and predicted value, simulated value and measured value of residual stress were compared. The results show that the variation trend of simulated value and measured value of residual stress is basically the same, and the proposed residual stress prediction model established by equal thickness undeformed cutting thickness can reflect the surface stress state.
表 1 TC4本构参数表
Table 1. TC4 J−C model parameters
A/MPa B/MPa C m n Tm/℃ Tr/℃ 862.5 331.2 0.012 0.8 0.34 1580 20 表 2 TC4热导率和比热容
Table 2. TC4 thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity
物理性能 20 ℃ 100 ℃ 200 ℃ 300 ℃ 400 ℃ 500 ℃ 热导率/(W•(m•℃)−1) 6.8 7.4 8.7 9.8 10.3 11.8 比热容/(J•(kg•℃)−1) 611 624 653 674 691 703 表 3 TC4损伤参数
Table 3. TC4 failure model parameters
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 −0.09 0.27 0.48 0.014 3.87 表 4 试验参数表
Table 4. Experimental parameters
序号 铣削速度/
mm1 60 0.06 7 0.5 2 80 0.06 3 80 0.08 4 90 0.08 5 100 0.08 6 110 0.08 -
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