Underground pipeline trajectory measurement method based on reduced inertial navigation
针对目前基于惯性导航原理的地下管线轨迹测量系统成本过高的缺点,通过减少惯性传感器的数量,有效降低系统成本. 首先推导了仅使用单轴角速度和双轴加速度数据还原管线轨迹的公式,然后使用具有自适应噪声的完全集成经验模态分解处理惯性传感器原始数据,最后利用所推导公式和处理后数据重建管线轨迹. 在75 m长的测试管路中,重建轨迹最大偏差小于全长的0.2%,同时传感器成本减少一半,具有较强的实用价值.
Abstract:In view of the high cost of current underground pipeline trajectory measurement system based on inertial navigation principle, the cost of the system was effectively reduced by reducing the number of inertial sensors. Firstly, the formula of using only uniaxial angular velocity and biaxial acceleration data to restore pipeline trajectory was derived. Then, the complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise was used to process the original data of inertial sensors. Finally, the pipeline trajectory was reconstructed by using the derived formula and the processed data. In the 75 m long test pipeline, the maximum deviation of the reconstruction track is less than 0.2% of the total length, and the cost of the sensor is reduced by half, which has strong practical value.
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