Evaluation of pressure comfort of indoor climbing tight sportswear
为提升室内攀岩紧身运动服在不同技术动作下的压力舒适性,通过不同结构分割及面料拼接设计4款紧身攀岩运动服,与市场较受欢迎的两款进行着装对比试验. 分析测试点压力值,确定存在超出压力舒适阈值的点;通过相关性分析确定主要受力部位为肩部、腰膝部及臀部;采用视频软件捕捉人体攀岩动作,并对主要压力部位测试点进行主成分分析,确定影响压力大小的4个主要技术动作. 最后对6款试验服装在4个主要技术动作下各测试点的压力值进行权重分析. 结果表明,采用插肩袖设计,在前胸、背宽等部位进行分割线设计,适当增加膝前片弯曲量、减少膝后片松量,均可有效提升攀岩服装的压力舒适性.
Abstract:In order to improve the pressure comfort of indoor climbing tight sportswear under different technical actions, four tight-fitting climbing sportswear were designed through different structural divisions and fabric splicing, and the dress comparison experiment was carried out with the popular two in the market. The pressure value of each test point was analyzed, and the point that exceeded the pressure comfort threshold was determined. Through correlation analysis, it was found that the main pressure parts were the shoulders, waist, knees and hips. The human rock climbing action was captured by video software, and the principal component analysis of the test points of the main pressure parts was carried out to determine the 4 main technical actions that affected the pressure. Finally, weight analysis of the pressure value of each test point of the 6 experimental garments under the 4 main technical actions was carried out. The results show that these methods mentioned can effectively improve the pressure comfort of climbing sportswear, including the use of raglan sleeve design and dividing line design on the front chest, back width and other parts, appropriately increasing the bending amount of the front knee and reducing the looseness of the back of the knee.
Key words:
- indoor climbing /
- tight sportswear /
- pressure comfort /
- principal component analysis
表 1 面料机械性能排序
Table 1. Sorting of fabric mechanical performance
性能 排序 经向拉伸性能 2#>1#>4#>5#>3# 纬向拉伸性能 3#>5#>2#>1#>4# 耐磨性能 2#>1#>5#>3#>4# 起毛性能 3#>1#>2#>4#>5# 顶破性能 2#>1#>5#>4#>3# 透气性能 5#>3#>4#>1#>2# 保暖性能 3#≥4#>1#>5#>2# 透湿性能 3#>1#>4#>2#>5# 吸湿性能 4#>3#>2#>1#≥5# 表 2 成衣尺寸
Table 2. Garment size
部位 衣长 胸围 腰围 肩宽 袖长 袖口 裤长 臀围 裆长 裤口 尺寸/cm 65.0 91.2 74.0 43.6 25.0 28.0 93.0 92.0 25.0±2 19.4 表 3 试验对象基本信息
Table 3. Basic information of experimental subjects
参数 身高/cm 体重/kg 肩宽/cm 胸围/cm 腰围/cm 臀围/cm 平均值 172.60 63.20 43.97 90.50 73.97 92.60 标准差 1.04 3.13 0.21 0.57 0.57 0.69 表 4 技术动作说明
Table 4. Technical action description
代号 专业术语 动作说明 Ps1 High Step高踩 用脚尖踩住腰部附近岩点,支撑大腿,将下半身向上推动 Ps2 Elbow Bending 翘肘 攀登力竭时,攀登者手臂弯曲,身体贴近岩壁,肘朝外翘起 Ps3 Summit 登顶 双手紧握上方岩点,脚尖踩住岩点,向上登顶的过程 Pn1 Laybacking 侧拉 手脚同侧,重心侧向一边,人体侧挂在岩壁上,紧贴岩壁 Pn2 Sit Start 蹲坐 双腿深蹲,手臂向上拉住岩点,人体呈现吊挂姿势 Pn3 Largo Start 蹿跳 攀登时岩点很高,需要蹿跳时的姿势 Pn4 Heel Hooking 脚勾 脚跟勾住岩点,借用手臂力量向上移动 Pb1 Twist Locking 扭锁 主作用部位为左手配右脚(或右手配左脚),侧身锁定身体,只需一脚一手支撑 Pb2 Counter Balance 平衡 向一方伸出手,同时向另一方伸出脚平衡身体,此动作可省回双臂用在平衡上的体力(无固定招式,全凭实战中领悟发挥) Pb3 Stride Step 跨越 双脚间距较大,向侧跨越,用于横移和抱石 Pb4 Deadpoint 跳跃 攀岩过程中,在跳起到落的刹那轻抓下一岩点的动作 Pb5 Layback Pendum 侧荡 利用三点平衡,像秋千一样荡过去,用于借助支点的横切攀岩 表 5 各测试点压力舒适阈值范围
Table 5. Pressure comfort threshold range of each test point
测试点 压力阈值范围/kPa 测试点 压力阈值范围/kPa A1 2.38~3.39 B1 0.58~1.27 A2 0.51~1.86 B2 0.58~1.27 A3 0.66~0.97 B3 2.30~3.20 A4 0.48~1.00 B4 0.49~2.60 A5 0.37~0.71 B5 0.78~1.27 A6 0.49~2.60 B6 0.78~0.88 A7 0.49~2.46 B7 0.49~2.60 A8 0.49~2.60 B8 0.49~2.60 表 6 方差贡献率
Table 6. Variance contribution rate
起始特征值 提取平方和载入 元件 合计 方差% 累计% 合计 方差% 累计% 1 7.912 65.930 65.930 7.912 65.930 65.930 2 2.224 18.532 84.461 2.224 18.532 84.461 3 1.259 10.492 94.954 1.259 10.492 94.954 4 0.606 5.046 100.000 5 1.53E−15 1.277E−14 100.000 6 5.486E−16 4.571E−15 100.000 7 2.858E-16 2.382E−15 100.000 8 1.310E−16 1.092E−15 100.000 9 1.658E−17 1.382E−16 100.000 10 −9.613E−17 −8.011E−16 100.000 11 −1.536E−16 −1.280E−15 100.000 12 −5.987E−16 −4.989E−15 100.000 表 7 因子载荷矩阵
Table 7. Factor loading matrix
技术动作 成分 1 2 3 X1 0.712 0.660 0.099 X2 0.719 0.562 −0.409 X3 0.815 −0.570 0.095 X4 0.840 0.100 −0.509 X5 0.862 −0.184 0.415 X6 0.937 0.018 0.101 X7 0.813 −0.575 0.076 X8 0.996 0.084 0.009 X9 0.858 −0.222 −0.006 X10 −0.531 0.520 0.657 X11 0.692 0.667 0.037 X12 0.864 0.044 0.439 表 8 主成分得分系数矩阵
Table 8. Principal component score coefficient matrix
技术动作 成分 1 2 3 X1 0.090 0.297 0.078 X2 0.091 0.253 −0.325 X3 0.103 −0.256 0.076 X4 0.106 0.045 −0.404 X5 0.109 −0.083 0.329 X6 0.118 0.008 0.081 X7 0.103 −0.258 0.060 X8 0.126 0.038 0.007 X9 0.108 −0.100 −0.005 X10 −0.067 0.234 0.522 X11 0.088 0.300 0.030 X12 0.109 0.020 0.348 表 9 方差贡献率
Table 9. Variance contribution rate
成分 起始特征值 提取平方和载入 合计 方差% 累计% 合计 方差% 累计% 1 5.942 99.037 99.037 5.942 99.037 99.037 2 0.052 0.864 99.901 3 0.006 0.099 100.000 4 1.577E−16 2.628E−15 100.000 5 −2.574E−16 −4.290E−15 100.000 6 −1.780E−15 −2.966E−14 100.000 表 10 因子载荷矩阵
Table 10. Factor loading matrix
试验服装 成分1 X1 0.997 X2 0.994 X3 1.000 X4 0.998 X5 0.982 X6 1.000 表 11 主成分得分系数矩阵
Table 11. Principal component score coefficient matrix
试验服装 成分1 X1 0.170 X2 0.167 X3 0.169 X4 0.166 X5 0.162 X6 0.164 -
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