Research on FT fuel engine characteristics using neural network
摘要: 基于反向传播(Back Propagation,BP)神经网络强大的非线性逼近和自学习能力,设计3层网络模型,采集发动机台架试验数据作为样本进行模型训练和检验. 以发动机转速、转矩、供油提前角和以天然气为原料的费托燃油(GTL)与柴油混合燃料特性参数十六烷值、硫含量、芳香烃含量为输入,建立BP神经网络模型预测GTL发动机特性. 结果表明,采用该模型可同时预测GTL发动机功率、油耗、排温、HC、CO、CO2、NOx和碳烟排放等特性;与试验数据对比,预测结果的相对误差基本在5%以内,表明该模型具有较高的模型精度和良好的泛化能力.Abstract: Based on the strong nonlinear approximation and self-learning ability of Back Propagation (BP) neural network, a three-layer network model was designed, and the engine bench test data were collected as the samples to train and verify the model. The engine speed, torque, fuel supply advance angle and the characteristic parameters of the fuel mixture of Fischer-Tropsch gas-to-liquid (GTL) and diesel, such as cetane number, sulfur content and aromatic hydrocarbon content, were taken as inputs. The BP neural network model was established to predict the characteristics of GTL engine. The results show that the model can predict the power, fuel consumption, exhaust temperature, HC, CO, CO2, NOx and soot emission of GTL engine at the same time. Compared with the experimental data, the relative error of the prediction results is nearly within 5%, which shows that the model has high model accuracy and good generalization ability.
Key words:
- back propagation (BP) neural network /
- Fischer-Tropsch fuel /
- engine /
- emission /
- model
表 1 柴油和GTL混合燃料的理化特性
Table 1. Properties of diesel and GTL fuels
@15 ℃/(kg∙L−1)十六
(MJ∙kg−1)黏度@40 ℃/
D2622EN 12916 ASTM
0656SH/T 0656 柴油 0.8392 51.7 0.0403 27.7 42.9 2.665 86.0 14.0 GTL 0.7790 75.0 0.0003 1.4 43.6 2.740 84.9 15.1 表 2 试验发动机主要参数
Table 2. Main parameters of test engine
参数 说明 型式 六缸、四冲程、增压中冷 缸径 × 行程 114 mm × 135 mm 活塞总排量 8.27 L 压缩比 18∶1 标定功率(转速) 184 kW (2200 r/min) 最大转矩(转速) 1000 N·m(1400 r/min) 喷油嘴(6个) 6 孔 × 0.24 mm 表 3 主要试验设备
Table 3. Main test equipments
设备 型号 生产商 发动机控制台 EIM301D 杭州奕科机电 测功机 PECD9400 小野电测 空气流量计 文丘里式流量计 ABB 油耗仪 MF−2200 小野电测 气体排放分析仪 PROVIT5600 AVL 消光式烟度计 AVL439 AVL 表 4 不同中间层神经元数网络训练结果
Table 4. Training results of network with different middle layer neuron numbers
神经元数量 目标误差 训练次数
/次训练误差 5 0.001 1000 0.0091 15 0.001 1000 0.0013 25 0.001 462 9.9982e-04 30 0.001 279 9.9990e-04 35 0.001 128 9.9936e-04 表 5 网络训练输出参数的计算值与试验值的统计参数
Table 5. Statistical parameters of calculated and experimental values of network outputs
参数$\varphi $(NOx) $\varphi $(Soot) $\varphi $(HC) $\varphi $(CO) $\varphi $(CO2) be Pe T RMSE 0.3006 0.0057 0.0612 5.1100 0.0019 0.1281 0.0088 0.0689 MRE 2.0367 5.9316 2.5862 12.2872 1.1072 1.1358 0.7635 1.2239 R2 0.99959 0.99837 0.99903 0.99960 0.99971 0.99942 0.99998 0.99977 表 6 网络预测各输出参数相对误差
Table 6. Relative errors of output parameters by network predict
参数 φ(NOx) φ (碳烟) φ (HC) φ (CO) φ (CO2) be Pe T 相对误差 2.9 4.8 2.8 13.7 1.4 0.7 0.7 1.4 -
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