Study on thermal deformation behavior and constitutive model of 304 stainless steel
利用Gleeble−3800热/力学模拟试验机研究304不锈钢热变形行为,通过变形温度区间为800~1200 ℃,应变速率区间为0.001~1 s−1的热压缩试验,得到304不锈钢在此区间的真实应力−应变曲线. 结果表明,304不锈钢在热变形过程中,流动应力随着温度的降低和应变速率的升高而增大. 根据真实应力−应变曲线构建304不锈钢的Arrhenius本构方程,其热变形激活能为490 kJ/mol,lnZ和ln
\begin{document}${\sigma _{\rm{p}}}$\end{document} 之间的线性相关系数为0.93,说明模型应力预测值与试验值吻合较好.
Abstract:Thermal deformation behavior of 304 stainless steel was investigated by utilizing Gleeble−3800 thermo-mechanical simulator. The true stress-strain curves of 304 stainless steel were obtained through the hot compression experiment with temperature range of 800~1200 ℃ and the strain rate range of 0.001~1 s−1. The results show that the flow stress of 304 stainless steel increases with the reduction of temperature and the growth of strain rate during the hot deformation. According to the true stress-strain curves, the Arrhenius constitutive equation of 304 stainless steel was constructed. The hot deformation activation energy is 490 kJ/mol and the linear correlation coefficient between lnZ and ln
\begin{document}${\sigma _{\rm{p}}}$\end{document} is 0.93, which shows that the stress values predicted by the model are in good agreement with the experimental ones.
Key words:
- 304 stainless steel /
- thermal deformation /
- flow stress /
- constitutive model
表 1 304不锈钢材料的化学成分
Table 1. Chemical composition of 304 stainless steel
元素 Fe C Cr Si Mn N Ni Cu Co P 质量分数 /% 69.010 0.034 18.94 0.440 1.860 0.066 9.400 0.040 0.020 0.020 -
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