Study on influence of pyramid baffle on PEMFC performance
摘要: 质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)流道结构主要影响气体流动、扩散和电化学反应。通过建立金字塔状流道挡板的PEMFC三维模型并进行数值模拟,探讨不同金字塔状挡板比率和挡板数量对燃料电池传质特性和输出性能的影响。结果表明:在流道内增添金字塔状挡板与无挡板流道相比,最大可提高气体垂直速度分量93.7%,进而提升气体由流道向催化层的传输性能;在金字塔状挡板比率为0.25,挡板数量为1时,燃料电池净功率最高可达到0.107 W。此外,增大挡板比率和增多挡板数量均可持续提高传质性能,但流道压降同时也会有最大18.5%的上升,使得PEMFC输出性能下降。Abstract: The flow channel structure of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) has a significant impact on gas flow, diffusion and electrochemical reaction. By building the proposed three-dimensional PEMFC model of a pyramid-shaped baffle and running numerical simulations, the effects of different pyramid baffle ratios and baffle numbers on mass transfer and output performance of fuel cells were investigated. The results show that incorporating a pyramid baffle into the flow path can increase the vertical velocity component of the gas by up to 93.7% when compared to a flow path without baffle, thereby improving gas transfer performance from the flow path to the catalytic layer. When the pyramid baffle ratio is 0.25 and the number of baffles is 1, the net power of the fuel cell can reach a maximum of 0.107 W. Furthermore, increasing the baffle ratio and number of baffles can continuously improve mass transfer performance, but the flow path pressure drop can increase by up to 18.5%, which will reduce PEMFC output performance.
Key words:
- proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) /
- pyramid baffle /
- mass transfer /
- pressure drop /
- net power
表 1 PEMFC及挡板几何模型参数
Table 1. PEMFC and baffle geometric model parameters
参数 数值 / mm PEMFC长度 20 FC宽度 0.79 FC高度 1 GDL宽度 1.7 GDL高度 0.38 CL宽度 1.7 CL高度 0.05 PEM宽度 1.7 PEM高度 0.1 Wt 0.79 H 0.5 表 2 PEMFC模型边界条件
Table 2. Boundary conditions of PEMFC model
参数 数值 工作温度 / K 343.15 参考压力 1标准大气压 阳极参考电流密度 / (A•cm−2) 100 阴极参考电流密度 / (A•cm−2) 0.001 活性比表面积 / m−1 1 × 107 GDL孔隙率 0.4 GDL渗透率 / m2 1.18 × 10−11 GDL电导率 / (S•m−1) 220 CL孔隙率 0.3 CL渗透率 / m2 2.36 × 10−12 CL电导率 / (S•m−1) 220 PEM孔隙率 0.3 PEM电导率 / (S•m−1) 9.825 入口水的物质的量分数 0.037 入口氧气的物质的量分数 0.202 入口氢气的物质的量分数 0.963 氧气入口速度 / (m•s−1) 0.4 氢气入口速度 / (m•s−1) 0.1 -
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