Research on vehicle location of improved point cloud matching algorithm with laser odometer
摘要: 针对传统迭代最近点(ICP)算法在点云配准过程中依赖于初始位置、匹配时间长、匹配精度差等问题,提出一种激光里程计改进点云配准算法的车辆定位方法。首先,在点云预处理方面对点云进行有序化和畸变点云补偿处理;然后,对点云动态特征点去除后进行静态特征点的稳定提取;最后,在点云配准过程中先对点云进行粗配准以减少点云对初始位置的依赖,接着提出双向k维树改进ICP算法进行点云精配准。通过KITTI数据集和自动驾驶小车平台进行试验测试分析,结果表明,改进点云配准算法相比于传统ICP算法有更快的匹配速度和精准度,里程计累积轨迹误差小。Abstract: Aiming at the problems that traditional iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm depends on initial position, long matching time and poor matching accuracy in the process of point cloud matching, a vehicle location method based on laser odometry improved point cloud registration algorithm was proposed. Firstly, point clouds were ordered and distorted point clouds were compensated in point cloud preprocessing. Then the static feature points were extracted stably after removing the dynamic feature points of the point cloud. Finally, in the process of point cloud registration, the point cloud was coarse registered to reduce the dependence of point cloud on the initial position, and then the bidirectional k-dimensional tree ICP algorithm was proposed for point cloud precise registration. Through the open source KITTI dataset and self-driving car platform for experimental test and analysis, the results show that compared with the traditional algorithm, the improved point cloud registration algorithm has faster matching speed and accuracy, small cumulative error of odometer trajectory.
表 1 消融试验
Table 1. Ablation experiment
模块 点云预处理 去除动态特征点 静态特征点提取 粗配准 精配准 配准时间 点云重合率/% RMSE(R) RMSE(t) (1) √ 0.0234 65 4.972 0.523 (2) √ √ 0.0192 74 4,646 0.436 (3) √ √ √ 0.0175 82 4.478 0.401 (4) √ √ √ √ 0.0133 89 3.924 0.382 (5) √ √ √ √ √ 0.0107 96 3.510 0.365 表 2 两种算法试验数据对比
Table 2. Comparison of experimental data of two algorithms
算法 点云重合数 均方根误差 匹配精度 传统ICP算法 10879 1.12e−6 0.75 改进点云算法 16967 0.78e−6 0.92 -
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