Study on droplet characteristics of laser-CMT hybrid welding of aluminum alloy
摘要: 搭建了铝合金激光−冷金属过渡(Cold Metal Transfer, CMT)复合焊接试验平台和高速摄像采集平台,研究铝合金激光−CMT焊接过程中的熔滴特性. 改变激光功率,获得不同焊接参数下CMT熔滴过渡的高速摄像图. 通过对比分析可知,在激光功率较小时,激光主要起到引导电弧作用,对CMT电弧影响较小,焊接过程较为稳定,能够获得良好焊缝成形. 当激光功率较大时,会影响CMT原有的短路过渡,造成熔滴飞溅等情况,导致焊缝成形较差. 结果表明: 保持焊丝和激光间距的有效距离和控制激光功率,是保证激光−CMT复合焊接过程稳定的关键.Abstract: An aluminum alloy laser-cold metal transfer (CMT) hybrid welding experiment platform and a high-speed camera acquisition platform were established to study the droplet characteristics of aluminum alloy laser-CMT welding process. By changing the laser power, the high speed images of CMT droplet transition under different welding parameters were obtained. Comparative analysis shows that when the laser power is small, the laser mainly plays the role of guiding arc, and has little influence on CMT arc. The welding process is stable and good weld formation can be obtained. When the laser power is large, it will affect the original short circuit transition of CMT, resulting in droplet splashing and other conditions, and lead to poor weld formation. The result shows that keeping the effective distance between the welding wire and the laser and controlling the laser power are the key to ensure the stability of the laser-CMT composite welding process.
Key words:
- laser /
- cold metal transfer (CMT) /
- hybrid welding /
- aluminum alloy
表 1 母材Al6061和焊丝ER4043主要化学成分
Table 1. Chemical composition of Al6061 base metal and ER4043 filler material
% 材料 硅 铁 铜 猛 镁 铬 锌 钛 铝 Al6061 0.40−0.80 < 0.7 0.15~0.40 < 0.15 0.80~1.20 0.04~0.35 0.25 < 0.15 其余 ER4043 5.60 0.80 0.30 0.05 0.05 — 0.10 0.02 其余 表 2 激光−CMT焊接工艺参数
Table 2. Welding parameters of laser-CMT hybrid welding
编号 CMT焊接电流/A 激光功率/W 1 78 800 2 78 1200 3 78 1500 -
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