AGV scheduling for order-driven intelligent workshop based on reinforcement learning
摘要: 物料搬运效率对智能车间的生产调度效率有着重要影响. 物料搬运任务通常由自动导引车(Automated Guided Vehicle,AGV)执行,其具有数量多、任务需求实时变化、任务下达密集等特点. 为及时、高效、准确地处理AGV搬运作业,提出基于强化学习的订单驱动下智能车间AGV调度模型,使用二级调度机制,第一级以负载均衡为目标,基于规则的调度方法对AGV进行任务分配;第二级运用强化学习深度Q网络(Deep Q-Network,DQN)算法对AGV进行单智能体下的搬运路径规划,通过减少智能体动作空间维数的方式,降低调度算法的收敛难度,并通过仿真实例验证该方法的有效性和创新性.Abstract: Material transporting efficiency has an important impact on the production scheduling efficiency of the intelligent workshop. Material transporting tasks are usually executed by automated guided vehicle (AGV), which have large number of tasks, real-time changes in task demand, and intensive task issuance. In order to make the AGV workflow timely, efficient and accurate, an reinforcement-learning-based AGVs' scheduling model was established with a two-level mechanism. The first level aimes for load balancing, and assigns the tasks to AGVs in a rule-based scheduling method. The second level plans each AGV's path by a reinforcement learning deep Q-network (DQN) algorithm with single agent, which can reduce the convergence difficulty of the scheduling algorithm by reducing the dimensions of the agent's action space. The effectiveness and innovation of the method was verified through simulation examples.
表 1 状态编码
Table 1. State encoding
栅格单元状态 栅格单元类型 $ s $值 AGV当前所在 $ N,S,L\cap {g}_{ij}\notin T $ $ 0.5 $ 可通行 $ N,S,L\cap {g}_{ij}\notin T $ $ 1 $ 不可通行 $ W,P $ $ 0 $ 中间目标点 $ L\cap {g}_{ij}\in T $ $0.7 - \dfrac{0.3}{n-1}j$ 终点 $ E $ $ 0.3 $ 表 2 奖励函数
Table 2. Reward function
状况 奖励$ r $ 执行有效移动指令 $-\dfrac{1}{m \times n}$ 下达无效移动指令 $- \dfrac{4}{ \sqrt{m \times n} }$ 到达目标装卸点 $\dfrac{1}{n_T}$ 完成搬运任务后到达回收点 $ 1 $ 表 3 某次决策点的搬运任务分配
Table 3. Material transport tasks assigned on one decision point
待运量 轮次 选定AGV 当前状态 当轮运量 累积运量 搬运任务集$ T $ $ 12 $ 01 $ {v}_{1} $ 可用 $ 4 $ $ 22\to 26 $ $ {T}_{1}=\left\{\left(\left(3, 6\right), (0, 2), 1\right),\left(\left(1, 1\right), (2, 2), 2\right),\left(\left(7, 1\right), (2, 0), 3\right)\right\} $ 8 02 $ {v}_{2} $ 可用 2 $ 24\to 26 $ $ {T}_{2}=\left\{\left(\left(3, 4\right), (0,1), 1\right),\left(\left(5, 4\right), (0, 1), 1\right),\left(\left(6, 8\right), (2, 0), 2\right)\right\} $ 6 03 $ {v}_{3} $ 充电 0 $ 28\to 28 $ 无 6 04 $ {v}_{1} $ 可用 2 $ 26\to 28 $ $ {T}_{4} = \left\{ \left( \left( 3, 6 \right), (0, 2) , 1\right), \left(\left(3, 1\right), (1, 0), 2 \right), (\left(7, 4\right), (1,0) , 2) \right\} $ 4 05 $ {v}_{2} $ 可用 4 $ 26\to 30 $ $ {T}_{5}=\left\{\left(\left(5, 1\right), (0, 4), 1 \right),\left(\left(5, 4\right), (2,0), 2\right),\left(\left(1, 8\right), (2,0) , 2\right)\right\} $ -
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