Design and implementation of massage robot based on visual guidance
摘要: 基于视觉引导设计中医(traditional chinese medicine,TCM)推拿机器人。通过搭建视觉引导平台,以Franka多自由度机械臂为基础建立推拿机器人平台,并构建两个平台间的数据映射模型,通过机器人操作系统(robot operating system,ROS)将机械臂与计算机(PC)端连接实现实时控制;将光学运动捕捉技术与多自由度机械臂融合,实现对中医推拿过程的学习与复现。Abstract: A traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) massage robot based on visual guidance was designed. By building a visual guidance platform, the massage robot platform was established based on the Franka multi-degree of freedom robotic arm, and the data mapping model between the two platforms was constructed. The robot arm was connected to the PC through the robot operating system (ROS) system to achieve real-time control. By integrating the optical motion capture technology with the multi-degree of freedom robotic arm, the learning and reproduction of TCM massage techniques were realized.
表 1 Franka Panda的D−H坐标参数
Table 1. Franka Panda's D−H coordinate parameters
关节 a/m d/m θ/rad α/rad Joint1 0 0.333 θ1 0 Joint2 0 0 θ2 -π/2 Joint3 0 0.316 θ3 π/2 Joint4 0.0825 0 θ4 π/2 Joint5 −0.0825 0.384 θ5 −π/2 Joint6 0 0 θ6 π/2 Joint7 0.088 0 θ7 π/2 Flange 0 0.107 0 0 -
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