Influence analysis of parameters of bushing on oil film characteristics of piston/bushing interface in hydraulic piston pump
摘要: 为改善液压柱塞泵中柱塞副的磨损状况,建立流固耦合模型,求解流体域与固体域的相互作用。考虑柱塞变形和缸体孔衬套变形,讨论不同弹性模量的铜合金衬套材料和不同厚度的衬套对衬套变形和油膜厚度的影响。结果表明,衬套变形值随衬套材料弹性模量增加而减小,采用弹性模量小的铜合金衬套材料或适当增加衬套厚度能使油膜厚度增大,可以改善柱塞副润滑条件,延长柱塞泵的使用寿命。不同弹性模量的铜合金衬套材料和不同厚度的衬套对油膜厚度影响明显。研究结果为柱塞泵的优化设计提供一定的参考。Abstract: To better the wear condition of the piston/bushing interface, the fluid-structure model was created, the interaction between fluid domain and solid domain was studied, the elastic deformations of the piston and bushing were considered, the impact of different thickness of bushing and material with different elastic moduli on the film thickness and deformations of bushing was discussed. The results show that the deformations of bushing decrease with increasing modulus of elasticity, bushing of copper lining materials with smaller elastic modulus or increasing of thicknesses of the bushing properly can improve lubrication conditions of the piston/bushing interface and the service life of the piston pump. Elastic deformations of piston and bushing have significant influences on the film thickness. The results provide a reference for the optimization design of the piston pumps.
Key words:
- elastic deformations /
- piston pump /
- fluid-structure interaction /
- thickness of bushing
表 1 柱塞和衬套材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of piston and bushing
材料参数 柱塞材料 衬套材料1 衬套材料2 弹性模量/Pa 2.1 × 1011 1.1 × 1011 0.9 × 1011 泊松比 0.3 0.3 0.3 密度/ (kg∙m−3) 7.8 × 103 8.9 × 103 8.9 × 103 表 2 模型参数
Table 2. Parameters of model
参数 数值 柱塞半径rp / mm 16 柱塞长度/ mm 100 柱塞副起始油膜长度L/ mm 60 柱塞副间隙c/ μm 0.03 常温下润滑油密度ρ/ (kg·m−3 ) 850 油液动力黏度µ/ (Pa·s) 0.027 斜盘倾角β/ (°) 12 工作压力P0 / MPa 50 斜盘转速n/ (r·min−1) 3600 -
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