Wind power prediction method based on IWOA-ELM
摘要: 在风力储能微电网中,提前精确地对风电场的实际输出功率进行预测,能够有效提高并网调节的稳定性。针对现有模型对风功率特征参量预测精度不高,提出一种基于IWOA-ELM(improved whale optimization algorithm of extreme learning machine, IWOA-ELM)的风功率特征参量预测方法。通过改进鲸鱼算法优化极限学习机的参数,建立基于时间序列的IWOA-ELM风功率特征参量预测模型,预测未来时刻风功率的特征参量;采用均方根误差、平均绝对误差等指标综合评估模型的预测性能。试验结果表明,提出的预测方法在风速上的均方根误差和平均绝对误差为5.488、3.72%,在风向上的均方根误差和平均绝对误差为19.354、12.46%。预测精度明显高于WOA-ELM、PSO-ELM、BP、ELM等风功率预测模型。Abstract: In wind energy storage microgrids, accurately predicting the actual output power of wind farms in advance can effectively improve the stability of grid integration regulation. To address the low prediction accuracy of existing models for wind power characteristic parameters, a wind power characteristic parameter prediction method based on improved whale optimization algorithm of extreme learning machine (IWOA-ELM) was proposed. By optimizing the parameters of the extreme learning machine using an improved whale optimization algorithm, a IWOA-ELM wind power characteristic parameter prediction model based on time series was established to predict the characteristic parameters of future wind power. Model performance was evaluated using metrics such as root mean square error and mean absolute error. Experimental results show that the proposed prediction method has a root mean square error of 5.488% and a mean absolute error of 3.72% for wind speed prediction, and a root mean square error of 19.354% and a mean absolute error of 12.46% for wind direction prediction. The prediction accuracy is significantly higher than that of other wind power prediction models such as WOA-ELM, PSO-ELM, BP, and ELM.
表 1 不同模型的误差指标对比
Table 1. Comparison of error indicators of different models
对比模型 风速 风向 RMSE MAPE/% R2 RMSE MAPE/% R2 BP 9.496 7.66 0.66 24.316 18.61 0.354 ELM 10.395 7.96 0.620 25.747 17.82 0.374 PSO-ELM 6.345 5.71 0.853 21.178 15.91 0.573 WOA-ELM 6.120 4.77 0.856 21.072 14.70 0.671 IWOA-ELM 5.488 3.72 0.893 19.354 12.46 0.732 -
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