Estimation method of train boarding and alighting time in urban rail transit station
摘要: 乘客乘降时间是城市轨道交通列车停站时间和运行图的重要组成部分,是影响轨道交通线路运行效率和运营安全的关键环节之一。将乘客乘降过程划分为上车及下车两个独立过程,基于调查数据,分析车门最大上下车客流量及平均上下车时间的影响因素,建立车门最大上下车客流量及乘客平均上下车时间估计子模型,在此基础上构建轨道交通车站列车乘降时间估计模型。以上海轨道交通车站为例,研究表明乘降时间实测值与模型估计值的偏差在11.89%以内,验证了模型的有效性和实用性。研究结果对提高轨道交通列车实际与计划乘降时间的匹配度,提升列车停站效率和保障乘客乘降安全等有重要实践价值。Abstract: Passenger boarding and alighting time is an important part of the dwelling time and operation diagram of urban rail transit trains, and is also a vital link that affect the operation efficiency and safety of rail transit lines. In this paper, the passenger boarding and alighting process was divided into two independent processes. Based on survey data, the influencing factors of the maximum passenger flow and the average boarding and alighting time were analyzed. Additionally, estimation submodel of the maximum passenger flow and the average boarding and alighting time of passengers were established. On this basis, the estimation model of train boarding and alighting time for rail transit stations was constructed. Taking Shanghai rail transit station as an example, the analysis showed that the deviation between the measured values of boarding and alighting time and the estimated value of the model is within 11.89%, which verified the effectiveness and practicability of the model. The research results have important practical value for improving the matching degree between the actual and planned boarding and alighting time of rail transit trains, enhancing train stopping efficiency, and ensuring passenger boarding and alighting safety.
Key words:
- urban rail transit /
- station /
- boarding and alighting time /
- estimation method
表 1 楼扶梯布局模式与车门最大上下车客流量相关性分析
Table 1. Correlation analysis of escalator layout mode and the maximum passenger flow of door
表征指标 最大上车客流量 最大下车客流量 楼扶梯布局类型 −0.213 −0.223 楼扶梯组数 0.124 0.233 楼扶梯总个数 0.285 0.291 下行扶梯个数 0.602** 0.783** 注:**为在0.01水平(双侧)显著相关。 表 2 车站运营时段划分及相关数据
Table 2. Division of station operation period and related data
车站名称 运营时段 下行扶
梯数${x_1}$列车编组数${x_2}$ 整列车上车
$\varepsilon $/%整列车下车
(3号线)5:20—7:20 2 6 71 4.84 15 1.4 7:20—9:20 2 6 243 17.48 41 1.4 9:20—17:00 2 6 20 3.05 51 1.4 17:00—19:00 2 6 27 9.63 177 1.4 19:00—23:52 2 6 13 1.38 49 1.4 宜山路
(3号线)5:30—7:40 3 6 5 10.27 14 1.4 7:40—10:30 3 6 8 42.04 78 1.4 10:30—17:10 3 6 16 5.57 7 1.4 17:10—19:40 3 6 53 17.42 16 1.4 19:40—23:43 3 6 6 11.23 15 1.4 莲花路
(1号线)5:34—6:40 2 8 68 27.69 20 1.3 6:40—10:20 2 8 275 50.37 107 1.3 10:20—15:30 2 8 58 10.86 52 1.3 15:30—20:00 2 8 90 13.97 220 1.3 20:00—23:30 2 8 35 5.81 92 1.3 衡山路
(1号线)5:27—7:00 4 8 8 5.99 23 1.3 7:00—9:20 4 8 22 53.71 80 1.3 9:20—16:30 4 8 14 13.20 22 1.3 16:30—19:20 4 8 67 20.11 27 1.3 19:20—23:14 4 8 15 6.98 11 1.3 春申路
(5号线)5:52—7:00 2 4 35 4.32 22 1.3 7:00—9:00 2 4 74 19.21 30 1.3 9:00—17:10 2 4 16 16.38 8 1.3 17:10—19:30 2 4 20 31.41 45 1.3 19:30—22:42 2 4 5 23.89 21 1.3 东川路
(5号线)5:55—6:50 3 4 32 5.20 5 1.3 6:50—9:00 3 4 78 7.36 25 1.3 9:00—17:10 3 4 12 14.39 15 1.3 17:10—19:40 3 4 19 26.90 58 1.3 19:40—22:56 3 4 8 17.02 21 1.3 -
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