Short-term wind prediction based on mRMR and SVMD-TPA-BiSTM
摘要: 提出一种基于mRMR和SVMD-TPA-BiLSTM的短期风电功率预测方法。首先,通过逐次变分模态分解(SVMD)对风电功率序列进行降维处理,得到风电功率子序列,与最大相关−最小冗余(mRMR)筛选出的关键气象特征数据结合构成训练集。其次,建立基于时间模式注意力机制(TPA)改进双向长短时记忆(BiLSTM)神经网络的组合模型,利用TPA机制抓取不同时序数据的关联性。最后,将预测分量结果叠加得到最终预测结果。以某风电场的数据集为例,对不同模型进行单步和多步预测试验对比精度,试验表明预测方法能有效刻画风电的分量特性,提高风电功率预测的准确率。
- 短期风电功率预测 /
- 气象特征筛选 /
- 逐次变分模态分解 /
- 时间模式注意力机制 /
- 双向长短时记忆神经网络
Abstract: A short-term wind power prediction method based on mRMR and SVMD-TPA-BiLSTM was proposed. Firstly, successive variational modal decomposition (SVMD) was adopted to reduce the dimensionality of wind power sequences, and the decomposed subsequences were combined with the key meteorological feature data selected maximum correlation minimum redundancy (mRMR) to form a training set. Secondly, a combined model based on the temporal pattern attention (TPA) mechanism to improve the Bi-directional long short-term memory neural network (BiLSTM) was established, and TPA mechanism was used to capture the correlation of different time sequence data. Finally, the prediction component results were superimposed to obtain the final prediction results. Taking the dataset of a certain wind farm as an example, different models were subjected to single step and multi-step prediction experiments to compare the accuracy, and it was proved that the prediction method can effectively portray the component characteristics of wind power and improve the prediction accuracy of wind power. -
表 1 气象特征名称及含义
Table 1. Name and meaning of meteorological features
序号 名称 含义 1~4 $ v_{70}、v_{50}、v_{30}、v_{10} $ 70、50、30、10 m高风向 5~8 $ D_{70}、D_{50}、D_{30}、D_{10} $ 70、50、30、10 m高风向 9 $ P $ 气压 10 $ R_{{\mathrm{h}}} $ 相对湿度 11 $ c_{{\mathrm{f}}} $ 云量百分比 12 $ T $ 温度 13 $ P_{n} $ 降水量 表 2 多步预测试验结果
Table 2. Multi-step prediction of experimental results
模型 MAPE/% RMSE/MW 1步 2步 3步 1步 2步 3步 SVMD-LSTM(模型一) 4.127 4.587 5.436 4.541 4.952 6.014 SVMD-BiLSTM(模型二) 3.645 4.142 4.923 4.169 4.582 5.473 TPA-BiLSTM(模型三) 3.854 4.451 5.257 4.327 4.971 5.842 EMD-TPA-BiLSTM(模型四) 3.113 3.667 4.261 3.586 4.125 4.782 SVMD-TPA-BiLSTM(模型五) 2.542 3.176 3.717 2.946 3.481 4.259 mRMR-SVMD-AM-BiLSTM(模型六) 2.254 2.698 3.191 2.665 3.146 3.629 mRMR-SVMD-TPA-BiLSTM(本研究) 1.947 2.405 2.884 2.378 2.854 3.321 -
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