Identification of key cognitive ability factors for metro train drivers based on VTS data mining
摘要: 运用维也纳测试系统(Vienna test system, VTS)对354名地铁司机的认知能力进行测评,通过K-means聚类算法对VTS数据进行无监督学习建模,得到司机认知能力分类模型。以Recall值最大为目标函数,对认知能力分类模型进行XGBoost训练和优化,采用SHAP算法对模型中各项认知能力特征指标的重要度进行分析,识别出平均反应时间、正确总数和视野范围三项关键因素以及它们之间的交互作用。研究结果用于认知与应急能力领域,可为地铁司机的遴选、在岗测评和培训提供一种更精确的工具。Abstract: Cognitive abilities of 354 metro train drivers were assessed by using the Vienna test system (VTS). An unsupervised learning model was developed through K-means clustering algorithm on the VTS data to establish a cognitive ability classification model. With the maximum Recall value as the objective function, XGBoost training and optimization were performed on the classification model. SHAP algorithm was employed to analyze the importance of various cognitive ability feature indicators in the model, and three key factors that mean reaction time, total correct responses, visual field range, as well as their interactions were identified. The research results can provide a more precise tool for the selection, on-the-job assessment, and training of metro train drivers when applied to the field of cognition and emergency capabilities.
表 1 混淆矩阵
Table 1. Confusion matrix
真实状态 预测状态 0类司机 1类司机 0类司机 TP FN 1类司机 FP TN -
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