Modeling and simulation of CAST-MBBR process for wastewater treatment
摘要: 基于循环式活性污泥工艺(Cyclic Activated Sludge Technology,CAST)和移动床生物膜反应器(Moving-Bed Biofilm Reactor,MBBR),对浙江省某污水处理厂开展CAST-MBBR工艺的建模和模拟研究. 针对工艺机制,将半经验生物膜模型嵌入活性污泥1号模型,描述CAST-MBBR除碳脱氮的生化过程,再与描述颗粒沉降过程的双指数模型复合,形成完整的CAST-MBBR工艺模型,并建立进水、出水水质与模型组分的转换方法. 通过灵敏度分析筛选出对出水指标影响较大的关键性参数并进行调校. 利用污水处理厂全年的实测进水、出水数据对校正后的模型验证,结果显示出水指标的模拟值与实测值总体吻合良好,表明该模型方法可有效应用于CAST-MBBR工艺的模拟.Abstract: Based on cyclic activated sludge technology (CAST) and moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR), mathematical modeling and simulation of CAST-MBBR process for a real wastewater treatment plant in Zhejiang Province was carried out. Based on the process mechanism, a semi-empirical biofilm model was embedded into the activated sludge model No.1 to describe the biochemical process of carbon and nitrogen removal in CAST-MBBR. It is then combined with a double exponential model describing particle sedimentation to form a complete CAST-MBBR process model, and a conversion method between inlet and outlet water quality and model components was established. The key parameters that have a significant impact on effluent indicators were screened through sensitivity analysis and adjusted. The calibrated model was verified by using the influent and effluent water data of the wastewater treatment plant throughout the year. The result shows that the simulated effluent data can agree well with the measured data, indicating that the modeling method can be effectively applied to the simulation of CAST-MBBR process.
表 1 进水水质与模型组分的比例关系
Table 1. Proportional relationship between influent water quality and model components
进水水质 模型组分 比例关系/ % COD SI 4 Ss 19 XI 8 Xs 55 XBH 14 XBA 0 TN SNH 65 SNO 0 SND 7 XND 28 表 2 初次模拟出水水质
Table 2. Preliminary simulation results of effluent quality
项目 ρ(COD)/
(mg∙L−1)实际进水 354.80 16.61 18.52 302.77 实际出水 12.18 0.18 5.42 3.45 模拟出水 35.84 5.16 9.18 6.28 表 3 调校参数值
Table 3. Adjusted parameter values
参数 单位 校准值 v0 m/d 651 rp m3/(g SS) 0.01417 rh m3/(g SS) 0.002173 fns — 0.00157 YH g (cell) COD/g N 0.92 bH d−1 0.6 µA d−1 0.3 iXB g N/g COD 0.059 KNH,bf g NH3-N/m3 21 kh g COD/g (cell) COD·d 13 Kx g COD/g (cell) COD 0.09 -
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