Supply chain return freight insurance and pricing strategy considering consumer risk avoidance
摘要: 针对线上买卖双方的退货运费承担纠纷,电商平台引入退货运费险来分摊商品退货风险,但宽松的退货政策又增加了消费者的退货行为。为此,将第三方保险公司引入制造商主导和网络零售商跟随的斯坦克尔伯格博弈中,考虑风险规避型消费者的退货行为和运费险敏感性,建立多方决策主体共同参与的卖家运费险、买家运费险和运费险共同分担等3种定价退货模型,研究网络零售商的定价决策和运费险策略。结果表明:消费者的风险规避态度有助于降低商品售价和运费险价格,提高市场需求和企业利润;运费险共同分担机制能够有效缓解客户流失;退货率较低时,消费者的运费险偏好有利于供应链总利润的增长。Abstract: In response to the return dispute between buyers and sellers in online transactions, e-commerce platforms have introduced return freight insurance to share the risk of product returns, but lenient return policies can also contribute to excessive returns. Thus, third-party insurance companies were incorporated into the Stackelberg game, which was dominated by the manufacturer and followed by the online retailer. Taking into account return behavior and freight insurance sensitivity of risk-averse consumers, three pricing return models with the participation of multiple decision makers, namely, the seller's freight insurance, the buyer's freight insurance and the shared freight insurance, were developed to analyze pricing decisions and freight insurance strategies of the online retailer. The results show that consumers’ risk aversion attitudes benefit to reduce the product price and freight insurance price, thereby increase market demand and profits for all members involved. The co-sharing mechanism for freight insurance can be effective in mitigating customer loss, and when the return rate is low, consumer preferences for return freight insurance are advantageous for the profitability of the overall supply chain.
Key words:
- supply chain management /
- return freight insurance /
- joint sharing /
- risk aversion
表 1 变量及参数说明
Table 1. Descriptions of variables and parameters
参数 含义 参数 含义 ${w_j}$ 制造商单位产品批发价格 $k$ 商品退货率 ${{\text{π}} _{ij}}$ 供应链成员的利润 $h$ 消费者退货麻烦成本 ${p_j}$ 零售商单位产品零售价格 $f$ 单位产品退货运费 $g$ 零售商单位商品的退货损失 $I$ 单位商品的退货运费险价格 $v$ 消费者对产品价值的估计 $\mu $ 消费者运费险价格分担比例 $U$ 消费者效用 $\gamma $ 消费者运费险价格敏感系数 注:下标$i = {\rm{M}},{\rm{R}},{\rm{B}}$;M为制造商;R为网络零售商;B为保险公司;下标$j = 1,2,3$;1为卖家运费险;2为买家运费险;3为运费险分担。 表 2 不同运费险策略的最优解
Table 2. The optimal solutions of different freight insurance policies
最优解 $ \mu = 0 $ $ \mu = 1 $ $ 0 < \mu < 1 $ ${w^*}$ $\dfrac{{1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf}}{2}$ $\dfrac{{1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf}}{2}$ $\dfrac{{1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf}}{2}$ ${p^*}$ $ \dfrac{{(2 + 3\gamma )(1 - kh) + \gamma kg - (\gamma + 3{\gamma ^2})kf}}{{2(1 + 2\gamma )}} $ $\dfrac{{3 - 3kh + kg - (3 + 3\gamma )kf}}{4}$ $\dfrac{{(3\gamma + \mu + 2)(1 - kh) + (\gamma + \mu )(kg - (3\gamma + 2\mu + 1)kf)}}{{2(2\gamma + \mu + 1)}}$ ${I^*}$ $\dfrac{{1 - kh - kg + (3 + 7\gamma )kf}}{{4(1 + 2\gamma )}}$ $ \dfrac{{1 - kh - kg + (7 + 7\gamma )kf}}{{8(1 + \gamma )}} $ $\dfrac{{1 - kh - kg + (7\gamma + 4\mu + 3)kf}}{{4(2\gamma + \mu + 1)}}$ ${D^*}$ $\dfrac{{\gamma (1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}}{{4(1 + 2\gamma )}}$ $\dfrac{{1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf}}{8}$ $\dfrac{{(\gamma + \mu )(1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}}{{4(2\gamma + \mu + 1)}}$ ${{\text{π}} _M}^*$ $ \dfrac{{\gamma {{(1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}^2}}}{{8(1 + 2\gamma )}} $ $\dfrac{{{{(1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}^2}}}{{16}}$ $\dfrac{{(\gamma + \mu ){{(1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}^2}}}{{8(2\gamma + \mu + 1)}}$ ${{\text{π}} _R}^*$ $\dfrac{{\gamma {{(1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}^2}}}{{16(1 + 2\gamma )}}$ $ \dfrac{{{{(1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}^2}}}{{32}} $ $\dfrac{{(\gamma + \mu ){{(1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}^2}}}{{16(2\gamma + \mu + 1)}}$ ${{\text{π}} _B}^*$ $\dfrac{{\gamma {{(1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}^2}}}{{16{{(1 + 2\gamma )}^2}}}$ $\dfrac{{{{(1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}^2}}}{{64(1 + \gamma )}}$ $\dfrac{{(\gamma + \mu ){{(1 - kh - kg - (\gamma + 1)kf)}^2}}}{{16{{(2\gamma + \mu + 1)}^2}}}$ -
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