Visual measurement method for aircraft milling parts' guide hole with interference area
摘要: 在航空铣削零件测量过程中,传统图像处理方法无法有效测量含有切屑和切削液等干扰因素的铣削零件导孔尺寸。针对该问题,提出MPTransUNet模型检测工件图像的干扰区域;采用图像纹理修复方法对检测图像进行修复,并设计了多尺度边缘检测算法提取导孔边缘像素;结合随机抽样一致算法和最小二乘法,对边缘像素点筛选和拟合得到导孔几何尺寸。最后,以航空装夹板件为例验证了该方法的有效性,导孔孔径的测量精度为0.03 mm,可以满足航空铣削零件质检要求。Abstract: In the measurement process of aerospace milling parts, traditional image processing methods cannot effectively measure the size of guide holes in milling parts that contain interference factors such as chips and cutting fluid. To address this issue, a visual measurement method for workpiece aperture based on the TransUNet model was proposed to detect interference regions in the workpiece image, and a mixed pooling module was introduced to improve the model's feature recognition range for chips and cutting fluids. Then, an image direction texture repair method was used to repair the detection image, and the guide hole edge pixels were extracted by improving the edge detection algorithm. Combining the random sampling consensus algorithm and least squares method, the guide hole geometric size was obtained by filtering and fitting the edge pixel points. Finally, the effectiveness of the method was verified by an example of aerospace fixture plate. The measurement accuracy of the guide hole aperture is 0.03 mm, which can meets the requirements of quality inspection for aerospace milling parts.
Key words:
- deep learning /
- edge detection /
- image segmentation /
- visual measurement
表 1 单因素t检验偏差结果
Table 1. Single sample t-test results of biases
序号 样本量 平均偏差/mm t统计量 P-value 1 10 0.0229 −1.1307 0.2874 2 10 0.0224 −1.1099 0.2958 3 10 0.0274 −1.3618 0.2064 -
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