Experimental study on heating characteristics of radiant air conditioning system
摘要: 为探究辐射空调系统供暖特性,搭建辐射空调系统试验台,进行7 d的系统间歇运行试验,对两级新风机组送风温湿度,空气源热泵主机制热量、能效比,以及系统能耗和能效比进行分析。结果表明,在设定参数下,两级新风机组稳定时送风温湿度分别为27 ℃和35%左右,空气源热泵主机平均制热量为4.5 kW,制热性能系数(COPU)为4.10;辐射空调系统耗电量为1.5 kW·h,系统性能系数(COPS)为3.02。试验结果可为系统的进一步优化和推广提供参考。Abstract: To explore the heating characteristics of a radiation air conditioning system, a radiation air conditioning system test bench was built, a 7-day intermittent operation test was conducted. The temperature and humidity of the air from two-stage fresh air unit, the heat output and efficiency of the air-source heat pump, as well as the energy use and efficiency ratio of the system were analyzed emphatically. The results show that under setting parameters, the stable supply air temperature and humidity of the two-stage fresh air are about 27 ℃ and 35%, respectively. The average heating capacity of the air source heat pump host is 4.5 kW, and the heating coefficient of performance (COPU) is 4.10. The power consumption of the radiation air conditioning system is 1.5 kW·h, and the system coefficient of performance (COPS) is 3.02. The results can provide reference for further optimization and promotion of the system.
表 1 试验系统设备参数
Table 1. Experimental system equipment parameters
设备名称 设备参数 台数 空气源热泵主机 制热量9.8 kW
供热功率3.1 kW
制冷剂类型R410A1 两级新风机组 总功率0.64 kW
风量300 m3/h
制冷剂类型R410A1 表 2 试验仪器及精度
Table 2. Experimental instruments and accuracy
数据类型 测量仪器 测量精度 记录仪器 室外、送风口温
湿度Testo温湿度记录仪 ± 0.4 ℃/ ± 2% Testo温湿度记
录仪测点垂直温度 PT100热电偶温度
传感器± 0.1 ℃ 安捷伦数据采集器 主机供回水温度 温度传感器 ±(0.3+0.005t) ℃ PLC控制采集系统 耗电量 电能表 ± 1% PLC控制采集系统 -
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