Tripartite stakeholder decision optimization of aircraft leasing based on SD evolutionary game
摘要: 基于演化博弈理论,考虑租赁双方为母子公司的新型关系,构建政府、航空公司及租赁公司三方演化博弈模型,运用系统动力学(SD)方法进行策略动态仿真,并对影响演化策略的关键因素进行敏感性分析。当政府增大社会效益及政府积极监管时,航空公司对租赁公司采取“对抗”策略时的惩罚金额以及租赁公司的额外收益增大,航空租赁市场进入成熟期速度加快。研究结果为新型关系下租赁市场加速进入成熟期提供方向,也为政府制定飞机租赁关联方监管政策提供理论依据。Abstract: Based on the evolutionary game theory and considering the new relationship between the leasing parties as parent-subsidiary companies, a tripartite evolutionary game model of the government, airlines and leasing companies was constructed, the system dynamics (SD) method was used to conduct dynamic simulation of strategies, and sensitivity analysis was conducted on key factors affecting evolutionary strategies. When the government enhances social benefits and actively regulates, the penalty imposed on leasing companies by airlines adopting an 'antagonistic' strategy increases, and so does the additional revenue of leasing companies, thereby accelerating the maturity of the aviation leasing market. The research results can provide the direction for the leasing market to accelerate its maturation under the new relationship, and also a theoretical basis for the government to formulate regulatory policies for aircraft leasing affiliates.
Key words:
- aircraft leasing /
- evolutionary game /
- system dynamics (SD) /
- government regulation
表 1 博弈模型中参数符号和含义
Table 1. Symbols and meanings of parameters in game model
符号 含义 $S$ 政府积极监督的综合效益 $t$ 政府对租赁双方交易的监督成本 ${g_1}$ 政府对航空公司的奖励金额 ${g_2}$ 政府对航空公司的处罚金额 ${f_1}$ 政府对租赁公司的激励补贴 $h$ 政府双倍监督成本 $U$ “合作”策略时集团总收益 $V$ “对抗”策略时集团总收益 $r$ 租赁公司得到总收益的比例 $a$ 航空公司对租赁公司的监督成本 $b$ 航空公司对租赁公司的惩罚金额 $c$ 租赁公司获得的额外收益 表 2 三方演化博弈的收益矩阵
Table 2. Returns matrix of tripartite evolutionary game
航空公司 租赁公司 政府 积极监管$x$ 消极监管$(1 - x)$ 严格
y合作$z$ $S - t - {f_1} - {g_1}(1 - z)$ $ - t$ $(1 - r)U - a + {g_1}$ $(1 - r)U - a$ $rU + {f_1}$ $rU$ 对抗$(1 - z)$ $S - t - {g_1}$ $ - t$ $(1 - r)V - a + b - c + {g_1}$ $(1 - r)V - a + b - c$ $rV - b - c$ $rV - b - c$ 宽松
(1 − y)合作$z$ $S - t - {f_1} + {g_2} - h$ $ - t$ $(1 - r)U - {g_2}$ $(1 - r)U$ $rU + {f_1}$ $rU$ 对抗$(1 - z)$ $S - t + {g_2} - h$ $ - t$ $(1 - r)V - c - {g_2}$ $(1 - r)V - c$ $rV + c$ $rV + c$ 表 3 均衡点稳定性判定
Table 3. Stability determination of equilibrium points
均衡解 ${\lambda _1}$ ${\lambda _2}$ ${\lambda _3}$ 稳定性 ${E_{\text{1}}}(0,0,0)$ $ b - a $ $ rU - c - rV $ $ S + {g_{\text{2}}} - h $ 鞍点或不稳定点 ${E_{\text{2}}}(1,0,0)$ $ h - {g_{\text{2}}} - S $ $ b - a + {g_{\text{1}}} + {g_{\text{2}}} $ $ {f_{\text{1}}} - c + rU - rV $ 鞍点或不稳定点 ${E_{\text{3}}}(0,1,0)$ $ S - {g_{\text{1}}} $ $ a - b $ $ b + c + rU - rV $ 鞍点或不稳定点 ${E_{\text{4}}}(0,0,1)$ $ - a$ $c - rU + rV$ $ S - {f_{\text{1}}} + {g_{\text{2}}} - h $ 鞍点或稳定点 ${E_{\text{5}}}(1,1,0)$ $ {g_{\text{1}}} - S $ $ a - b - {g_{\text{1}}} - {g_{\text{2}}} $ $ b + c + {f_{\text{1}}} + rU - rV $ 鞍点或不稳定点 ${E_{\text{6}}}(1,0,1)$ $ {g_{\text{1}}} - a + {g_{\text{2}}} $ $ {f_{\text{1}}} - S - {g_{\text{2}}} + h $ $ c - {f_{\text{1}}} - rU + rV $ 未知 ${E_{\text{7}}}(0,1,1)$ $a$ $ S - {f_{\text{1}}} - {g_{\text{1}}} $ $ rV - c - rU - b $ 鞍点或不稳定点 ${E_{\text{8}}}(1,1,1)$ $ a - {g_{\text{1}}} - {g_{\text{2}}} $ $ {f_{\text{1}}} - S + {g_{\text{1}}} $ $ rV - c - {f_{\text{1}}} - rU - b $ 未知 -
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